(Archive) Advertising District / TPT

  • Louis!%s's Photo
    I signed up :D
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Because it makes more sense to have more parks than attraction companies we have set a limit on a maximum of 8 attraction companies at any one time. We already have five so if you wish to sell attractions it would be best to get there signed up and post your topic as soon as possible.
  • gibbsies%s's Photo
    I want to be an attraction company but Im not really 100% on how this thing works, but I really like it so far
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Well just tell me what you aren't clear on and I'll do my best to explain.
  • gibbsies%s's Photo
    Well, I think I've got it now since I just signed up at RCTStop and I've been looking at the other companies, by the way I didn't see any park companies, the only sign of there being any is that the landscapes are bought, but yah. I don't know, would I even be allowed since I'm not very big at this site and I just signed up at Stop like 20 minutes ago?
  • snas%s's Photo
    I'm active on rct-guide and I have seen that contest too. They work there the same as jj. This game is for the fun and I think everybody knows that. I believe that everybody know what they can do and what not. And if they don't know that they can sent a pm to the “park director” and we look if they can build it.

    When you give parks money they lost a lot of freedom. When they are busy or something and they can't create an update, the whole park lose money and it's difficult to get that back and than you lose the fun to play. ;)
    And the parks can theme there own rides. Than they don't buy it by a company and it don't cost money. How do you find out how much that is?

    Why must you have for al the things rules when the players all know what they can do and what not. And when somebody doesn't follow the rules and the realism we can warn him or drop him out of the game. But I hope and except that it isn't necessary :)

    Gibbsies@ they need to create there park and buy attracktions from one of the companies. after that they can open there park and place a topic ;)
    and we have some sign ups for parkowners :)

    Edited by snas, 22 August 2007 - 05:00 AM.

  • JJ%s's Photo
    Yeah like Snas said. Since this only started last night. People aren't going to be able to build a park entrance/few rides so quickly. Attraction companies take less time, so you won't see people posting their parks for a while yet ;) Anyone is allowed ;) If you weren't allowed, I wouldn't have made a topic here :rolleyes:

    Edited by JJ, 22 August 2007 - 05:01 AM.

  • gibbsies%s's Photo
    oh, ok cool thanks I think I'll make one than, but I might not put anything on there till tomorrow cuz it's very late right now, but I'm gonna announce meself tonight if thats okay.

    And about the park companies, I was just saying that I didn't see anybody advertising there companies, just to say that they have one or something like that.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    There is currently only room for ONE more attraction company. First come, first served.

    After this has gone then signups will be for Park Owners and Other Companies (unlimited numbers of these are allowed)
  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    I thought people might have issues with the money ;)

    Apart from that, i told you people will love it :p It's a good idea, it should be fun.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Well you are part of the TPT team so if anyone asks any questions be sure to answer before me :p
  • 5dave%s's Photo
    If I wasn't in the PT, I'd definately join this...
    There was a similar project called TPJ at a german site 2-3 years ago or so.
    It was pretty big at that time.

    Good luck with this project, and I'm looking forward to see the parks!

  • JJ%s's Photo
    You can join after PT3 then ;)

    Signups for attraction companies are closed as they have all been filled.

    Edited by JJ, 22 August 2007 - 09:23 AM.

  • zodiac%s's Photo
    ^That's what you said to me...
  • JJ%s's Photo
    ^ and? That's what I will say to everyone who says that, obviously...
  • nin%s's Photo
    Im might go sign up but first I have a question,
    If youre a park owner, do you have to buy every single ride from a company, or is it just rollercoasters?
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Oh yes, you must purchase all your flats too. In real life parks don't just randomly spawn rides of their own, they must purchase them that's the whole idea. It also limits the rides you can have and that actually makes the game more fun.
  • Milo%s's Photo

    I'm active on rct-guide and I have seen that contest too. They work there the same as jj. This game is for the fun and I think everybody knows that. I believe that everybody know what they can do and what not. And if they don't know that they can sent a pm to the “park director” and we look if they can build it.

    When you give parks money they lost a lot of freedom. When they are busy or something and they can't create an update, the whole park lose money and it's difficult to get that back and than you lose the fun to play. ;)
    And the parks can theme there own rides. Than they don't buy it by a company and it don't cost money. How do you find out how much that is?

    Why must you have for al the things rules when the players all know what they can do and what not. And when somebody doesn't follow the rules and the realism we can warn him or drop him out of the game. But I hope and except that it isn't necessary :)

    Gibbsies@ they need to create there park and buy attracktions from one of the companies. after that they can open there park and place a topic ;)
    and we have some sign ups for parkowners :)

    Good point but it's not about limiting things or not trusting people... it just sort of gives this a bit more structure because everyone starts off the same way but it shows who can run their park the best.

    Plus it adds another element... company competition, which this lacks imo but could be a real neat part. What's the fun in putting up some fake prices on flats and then just have people say they'll "buy" it from you when there could be competitions for prices and the best custom designs and things like that.

    Plus if somebody doesn't do anything with the park... it won't lose anything... it can still make money from entrance admissions and things like that but they just get a little behind on growth of the park. My whole money idea was for a system of measurment for this where it can clearly be seen: who is running their park best, which companies offer the best rides, who's growing fastest, and who's running their park into the ground. Makes it all the more realistic in my opinion. And like I said before, adds elements of competition that would make it more fun.

    And since this is all about fun I don't think (and never have said) that there should be penalties on money or anything... like I said, it would be a nice extra element to this rather than just being something you have to do for "realism's sake".

    Nor did I say every quarter tile piece of themeing had to have a price on that... but for stuff being sold by companies there should be actual money for park owners to spend (or not) rather than just saying what they could that year.
  • gibbsies%s's Photo
    lol if this were a competition than JJ would be B&M and I would be like Vekoma or something
  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    I agree with OLE that money should actually play a part in this game, it adds another element to it.

    I think we need to consider what the people what Josh ;)


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