Theme Park Discussion / TEXAS GIANT!?!?!?

  • That Guy%s's Photo
    Apparently more people then you're aware of.
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    Well i do personally
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    Damn. I am so sorry. But honestly, I post for my enjoyment. Not yours.
  • That Guy%s's Photo
    Well that will get you nowhere on this website, and it won't get you anything anywhere else. I suggest a change of tactics.
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    I can sense the sarcasm in your apology.

    People used to have a problem with my posts so i changed, no ones complained since. You should try it.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    @That Guy: Haha. I don't think I want to move up. I'm happy where I am but I appreciate the suggestion at least your polite.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    You see goliath. We've had a run-in before. That's why I predict you get so annoyed with my every post. Not the actual FACT that my posts are annoying, which I'm aware of and I do cut back a lot from what I originally wanna say although it might not seem like it.

    And if K0NG doesn't mind why would you? You don't like me? Yeah that's probably it. But I won't take a handful of poisonous pills just because you of all people don't like me.
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    No you just post unnecessary comments.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    A lot of people do, your point?
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    You post to many.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    It's my nature. I don't care if you have a problem with me. All I can do is say I'm sorry but I highly doubt I will change my posting habits as you're not really anyone important to me on this website.
  • Top Gun%s's Photo
    Why can't we enjoy a great moment in roller coaster history without arguing?
  • dudeism%s's Photo
    http://www.facebook....?v=586967776734 damn it!
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Full train testing?
    I CANT WAIT. :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Rode this sucker today at opening, really kickass ride, freaking loved it!
  • JDP%s's Photo
    nice man, how were the G's?
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    Ah im going soon!>#NK>QN So excited. Not visiting this topic again because it might spoil my first ride
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Well JDP, First drop was ridiculous, most Airtime Ive ever gotten in my life. Even though its not super tall it lasts for an incredible amount of time, then it smoothly delivers airtime on the double up. The overbanks,while not forceful, were insanely cool, and felt like something B&M would do, they were very comfortable. The ride is super smooth, no idea I was on a wood structure. The Magic carpet probably wasn't as good as the old one to be brutally honest, but that's probably just bad memories on my part.

    There were some other things I hadn't seen mentioned, there was mist in the tunnels (felt great in the Texas heat) and a neat little display in the que which contained some smashed up iPhones, cameras, wallets and keys which had fallen of other rides that I thought was cool.

    I should mention that I either broke or severely sprained my arm yesterday and it didn't hurt it at all, thats how comfortable it was. Riding Mr. Freeze with it was a terrible idea though.
  • JDP%s's Photo
    nice man, im sure you would love el toro then. either way, intamin is good at everything they build.
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Yea, I can imagine there is a lot of similarities between these two rides, with smoothness, airtime, and everything.


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