Custom Scenery Exchange / MHT's Custom Stuff

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  • Liampie%s's Photo
  • Angroc%s's Photo
    What about a partly covered gravel path? So if you build it on sand it will look like some sand is covering the paths.
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    RCTER2: That would be a good idea, but I don't play Minecraft, but I know people who do, so maybe I'll make them, but I don't know for sure.

    Angroc: Yeah, I'll try that for sure. I'm not a hero with pathmaking, but I'll give it a try! What kind of gravel path do you have in mind?
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo

    You can make some Minecraft style blocks(1/4) so that we can make Minecraft mountain in RCT2, LOL :lol:

    I made one, but this is a full tile block. I'll try to make a 1/4 tile one, and some other style blocks! Please say if it's good and working, because my objdata is almost full (I think) so I can't scroll my small scenery......
    EDIT: Finished my 1/4 blocks. I made a tab with the two to test them, and the big one is a bit failed and the 1/4 blocks don't really look like a full tile when you put them together, but they look good to me! If someone wants the tab, just say so and I'll send it to you. There are just the 2 blocks in it, but some people like tabs to save space in the '?' Tab. Enjoy :mantis:
    EDIT2: Here's another full tile block in another style. 1/4 to come!
    EDIT3: And voilĂ , le 1/4 Minecraft block.
    Here's a large scenery block but just 1 tile. For the people who can't scroll their small scenery. And with it is a tab with all 5 blocks (MHT_MIN1,2,3,4,5 and the tab MHT_MINE) If you can't find the tab in game, it's called MHT Minecraft Blocks Scenery Group. More to come!

    Here are another style block full tile and 1/4 tile, they aren't included in the tab, I'll make one later.

    Another set of two blocks, again other style, again full and 1/4 tile. Enjoy :mantis: Oh yeah, the picture of these blocks (MinecraftBlock 8 - MHT) has to be mirrored, because of RCT2's lighting. In game it's right, so don't change anything or worry!

    Here's the tab with all the blocks I made already. Just replace the previous one in the objdata folder with this newer one.

    I've made another one and a tab. Minecraft Block 10 was made (that's the one I asked testers for, without success :mad: ) but that one was an epic failure..... So here's number 11! It's a lava-block! Hope you enjoy it!

    Attached Files

  • RCTER2%s's Photo
    Sorry I can't scroll my small scenery too... I think you can make something more and then drop them in a group :)
    Make the block recolorable and tiny is better haha :)
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    Does anyone know a .dat file of an 1/4 tile object? I just need a name.
    EDIT: Found one!
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Any 1/4 tile object?

  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo

    Any 1/4 tile object?


    That is a full tile object.... I need the .dat for the 1/4 version....
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo

    What about a partly covered gravel path? So if you build it on sand it will look like some sand is covering the paths.

    I just figured out that I'm a mess in pathmaking..... Sorry, I can't make it... I can just give a path a nice color and some sparkles, but that's it! Visit Buggy's site, maybe he has something for you......
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    Can someone test a small scenery object for me? Please?
    EDIT: Never mind.....
  • wayniepainie%s's Photo
    If you can't scroll the small scenery it means you have too many small dats in your object data folder. To test your own creations make a clean copy of the objdata folder, all you need is the objects from rct2, swap the current obj data folder with this new one (just rename the folder) and place your creations into it. Give them a test and when finished swap the two folders around again. A bit fiddley but it get around the scrolling prob.
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo

    If you can't scroll the small scenery it means you have too many small dats in your object data folder. To test your own creations make a clean copy of the objdata folder, all you need is the objects from rct2, swap the current obj data folder with this new one (just rename the folder) and place your creations into it. Give them a test and when finished swap the two folders around again. A bit fiddley but it get around the scrolling prob.

    Nice! That's a better idea than making tabs the whole time! Thanks!

    EDIT: Waah I don't know which objects are RCT2 and which ones are custom! If you know, will you PLEASE send me a 'clean copy'? My objdata folder is a little bit full, so you know that's hard, sorting 3151 dats.
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    Haha it worked! I went to a friend which didn't have cs and then I copied his objdata folder to an usb and BOOM DONE!

    EDIT: Whoops I should have edited the post above srry....
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo

    What about a partly covered gravel path? So if you build it on sand it will look like some sand is covering the paths.

    I tried it again, and here it is!

    Attached File  Partly Covered Gravel Path - (83.5KB)
    downloads: 11

  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    I've made a wall in the color of land tile edges. It's very useful for under a path object as wall.
    Attached File  Ground Edge Wall - (24.81KB)
    downloads: 12
    Hope you like it! (In-Game picture in the zip)

    Also, if you use it, don't build it on the edge of the path tile but the first tile opposite of it! Then you don't have to use zero clearance and thus no glitches!

    EDIT: Here's an in-game pic to show you how it looks when used like it was meant to be used!
    Attached File  SCR97.png (90.24KB)
    downloads: 65
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    Damn, you work hard MikaRCT2.
    Nice to see someone so creative and motivated :) .
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    That object already exists.
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    ^Oh sorry, I didn't know that....
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo

    ^but whatever, good object! Nice idea!


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