General Chat / If you have a problem with NE, let's talk about it.

  • Fisch%s's Photo

    So far only one person from the group of people that seem to have an issue with the way things are going has actually stated that in here (Shogo). I almost wanna give him props because if there is a problem then now is the time to talk about it. Liam specifically made the topic to openly hear about the concerns and the issues. Just gotta jump in there and state what exactly is wrong.

  • Scoop%s's Photo




    But you're part of the group of Americans from within that clique, are you not? What is for example one of the issues where there is a clear inequality between the Americans and the Europeans. If you mention problems then just go ahead and name them clearly so that no one is in doubt as to what it is. Don't go into it with the teenage girl mindset of "I'm mad" - "what's the issue?" - "nothing".


    You say you can see why some members feel that way. Who are they and what is the reason behind it?

    I'm not mad. Also why does it matter that I'm a part of the "clique" anyways, Your not a part of either "clique," right?  I also said I PERSONALLY have not been affected by any of these issues so it isn't my place to say what these issues are. The people involved can do that themselves. I was stating more of what I thought was the real overarching problem as a suggestion.
  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    what do you want me to do?
  • Lilith%s's Photo
    id like to weigh in on some of the discord issues, not the Americans vs Europeans discussion since i have no involvement in that specifically, i just want to voice my opinion as a new member trying to find my place in the community.

    ive noticed that the issue of ‘normal’ vs ‘weird’ conversations has been a topic of discussion in the discord and some established members arent entirely comfortable with some of the discussions that (usually) happen in the off topic channels. yesterday it was mentioned that longtime members are more ‘normal’ and that new members should assimilate into the current culture of the NE userbase instead of talking about ‘weird’ topics or personal issues. i dont want to be presumptuous and assume that this includes me but im often involved in the discussions in question and frankly i feel like myself and others are unwelcome to a part of the community. there are several channels including 2 off topic channels so its my opinion that theres plenty of room in the discord for different groups or discussions to happen without them impacting each other in a way that hinders either party.
  • Lilith%s's Photo
    to add to my post, were all different people with different personalities and ways of presenting ourselves. there are plenty of conversations and comments i see that i would prefer not be happening, so i dont involve myself in them. theres no need for anyone to be silenced because some people dont like the topic of discussion. i think that applies to everyone here, not just certain groups or people.
  • Scoop%s's Photo
    ^ great point.
  • nin%s's Photo

    Ive noticed that the issue of ‘normal’ vs ‘weird’ conversations has been a topic of discussion in the discord and some established members arent entirely comfortable with some of the discussions that (usually) happen in the off topic channels. yesterday it was mentioned that longtime members are more ‘normal’ and that new members should assimilate into the current culture of the NE userbase instead of talking about ‘weird’ topics or personal issues. i dont want to be presumptuous and assume that this includes me but im often involved in the discussions in question and frankly i feel like myself and others are unwelcome to a part of the community. there are several channels including 2 off topic channels so its my opinion that theres plenty of room in the discord for different groups or discussions to happen without them impacting each other in a way that hinders either party.

    I don’t want to hinder any sort of free speech but I’ll agree to this. There’s only so much furry talk one can take before he’s pushed away from any sort of discussion that may take place otherwise. I don’t mind if you talk about your kinks or sexual interests, but it seems to be only topic ever going on in the off topic channels and it’s a bit of a turn off for some of us. This is actually where I’d suggest a private server for those wanting a dedicated discord chat for specific ongoing topics.
  • Louis!%s's Photo

    ^This was my point when I first mentioned about it all on discord. You've summed it up better than I could, thankyou.

  • trav%s's Photo

    I don’t want to hinder any sort of free speech but I’ll agree to this. There’s only so much furry talk one can take before he’s pushed away from any sort of discussion that may take place otherwise. I don’t mind if you talk about your kinks or sexual interests, but it seems to be only topic ever going on in the off topic channels and it’s a bit of a turn off for some of us. This is actually where I’d suggest a private server for those wanting a dedicated discord chat for specific ongoing topics.



    I completely agree with this and you've put it much more eloquently than I did in Discord the other day. 

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    I disagree with you on the particular boundaries of what should be accepted on NE and not, and I think the way to solve this is to make one of the off topic channels be more serious discussions and the other more shitposting

  • SupraTheHedgehog%s's Photo

    I'm afraid that making discords servers for topics that we don't wanna talk in NE's Discord would make more division. I don't want people to gather themselves into small groups just to talk about them (unless it's a small group of very close friends where we talk about pretty much anything, which is actually the case for me), and then have those groups be in conflict because they don't share the same interests.


    If we talk about those unwated topics in NE, it's because people want to talk about them. I don't think it would be fair to stop them from talking about them just because some other people doesn't want to. It's like if a group of 4 or 5 people talks about something and another group of 4-5 people tell them: "We don't want to talk about that here. Go away!" Now we have 2 off-topic channels in our Discord, so this is unjustified in my opinion.


    All that conflict makes me unconfortable for talking about something or saying anything (assuming I would say a correct thing) and doesn't really make me want to stay connected with other NE's members or even stay in the entire community. I just wish everyone knows how to respect others more when it comes to topics or preferences and doesn't fight against each other for that.

  • RWE%s's Photo
    Its still pretty sad that 14-19 people dont want to talk how it seems. Do it guys, this here is the place for it!
  • Casimir%s's Photo

    Guys. Let's build a wall and make Europe pay for it.


    Obviously, I'm not around much anymore. But members of a community for a niche game that's been around for 20 years who are STILL active will obviously broaden the topics of discussion at some point, when it has become not 'just' a community for a game anymore, but 'just' community.


    Those who are offended/annoyed by topics: It's not for you. The internet is huge. Embrace NE for the things you like about it and acknowledge that others have other interests than you. That's a good thing. 


    Those who discuss topics others are offended/annoyed by: You might wanna throw the others a bone and use other channels / chats / whatever. Don't take it as a personal insult, it's nothing against you. It's just that not everything is for everybody. Acknowledge that others have other interests than you. That's a good thing. Apart from that - be yourself.


    Those who REALLY want to spin this into a Europa/America thing: Cut the crap.




    Nobody is a carbon copy of yourself. That's a good thing. Embrace that. And while you do that, behave like the adults we all supposedly are.

  • GammaZero%s's Photo
    For the most part I agree with Shogo, except for the EU vs. NA thing. I do think it is a thing, and have some opinions of my own on it, but I don't think it has anything to do with this discussion.

    Also, people who keep whining and are constant bitches about being offended by topics to the point of incoherence are part of the problem.
  • RWE%s's Photo
    Gamma, in which points do you agree exactly?
  • Julow%s's Photo

    I've never felt there was a division between EU and US members. Personally, I've always enjoyed seeing different people from different parts of the world on this site.


    "d) You're not able to freely bring up any criticism of the site, how its ran, or any aspect of NE on the discord without being silenced by everyone who disagrees with you." - Shotguns?


    That's the reason why I left the NE's discord. Just to remind the people who weren't here, I gave my opinion about how the announcements were oriented on the discord server when there's new releases. I thought it could be better to keep them neutral because we all deserve the same treatment. 

    I'm not going to list the people who mocked me, I'm not really a rancurous person, but I've felt attacked like what I was saying was stupid and didn't even have a reason to happen. 


    I have the impression there's some people here that comforts themselves in some circle jerking groups, and I don't have the time or the patience to deal with that anymore. I'm tired of having the role of the victim for whatever I say. I really have the feeling that sometimes when I try to contribute or give some ideas to - in my opinion - improve things on NE, it's taken as an attack or like I don't have the "social status" to say that and then it's irrelevant.


    Like it was said before, we're not a lot of people remaining here, we are playing a 20 yo game no one cares about anymore. Why are people so concerned about having an important role here ? Of course I would love to be a legendary parkmaker and have some recognition, like most of us do, but there's a lot of more important things in life ! :D


    I would love to say like everyone here "just have fun" but there's a problem on the discord and saying that is an easy way to hide things or to feel like you're not part of the problem (well there are some people here that really aren't part of the problem).


    It's good to see some people trying to solve the current situation, but sometimes you can try whatever you want, but you can't change people. Trying to force things is a loss of time. It took me a long time to realize it, but like everywhere else, you can't always get along well with everybody, you just have to deal with it and find what you like somewhere else. 


    I personally always appreciated the feedback for my RCT stuff on NE's website, we can all agree we always have very detailed and quality feedback and I will continue to listen to it carefuly. 


    Now, just my opinion, but I feel like there are some people here that are a bit too sure of themselves and always have the need to question everything. It's nice most of the time, mainly for the purpose of RCT constructive feedback, but it can be very annoying in some situations.


    To conclude, I don't have any real problem with people here, I've really enjoyed some moments on the discord server, times when people didn't judge others for whatever they said, but now I will restrict myself for RCT stuff here. In general I don't like to mention people, but I'm happy there's people like Fisch, G_Force, Posix and Casimir trying to keep the things calm and always listening to the problem with an external eye.


    Hope my testimony helped. 

    I wish you good luck to all ! Don't be too harmful to each other... Open your mind !


    Peace ! - Julow

  • Sephiroth%s's Photo
    The more comments that appear in this thread, the more I'm glad I have never set foot (figuratively) in the Discord.
  • G Force%s's Photo

    The more comments that appear in this thread, the more I'm glad I have never set foot (figuratively) in the Discord.

    Yea I'm beginning to feel it was a bad idea.

    Turns out when people talk over the internet often times it doesn't end in sunshine and rainbows.
  • GammaZero%s's Photo
    I agree with him on the point he made about influence, and tribalism in general. What I should have said from the start though, is that none of this actually has anything to do with the problem at hand.

    Honestly, the whole issue with the "random", "bizarre", or "special snowflake" talk and everything else surrounding it would literally be solved by just silencing/getting rid of one person (which I'm sure won't read this since they don't even have a computer, let alone the commitment to actually read this thread).

    Without this person, 85% of the Discord's current problems would not exist anymore, and people seem to confuse the effects of this one person with a "trend" that "a lot of people" are following. It is simply not the case. This issue is getting completely blown out of proportion because everyone decided to piggyback and leave their own opinion on it (which isn't inherently bad), but what resulted is a bloated mess of a discussion that could be resolved by simply getting rid of one root cause.

    At least, that's my stance on it.
  • saxman1089%s's Photo

    Yea I'm beginning to feel it was a bad idea.


    What was a bad idea, the airing of grievances on this thread, or the Discord?


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