General Chat / Whale Explodes.

  • TheGuardian%s's Photo
    I was making fun of the situation that the whale's guts exploded.. I mean come on' if i saw myself (in soul form) explode AFTER i ded i'd sorta find that humerous, atleast that is what it is with me.

    No, SA i don't believe that most homosexuals are emotional more sensitive, and i don't really know why i'm getting into this, in America atleast ANYONE who has been picked on, or is in a minority group tends to act more emotional a woman as you say.
    anways what ever.

    I don't understand how this got into a big huge philosophical speech about how to treat animals, and how humans are no better then animals. Truly the whale was already dead, and was being sent for studies.. EXCUSE them for no paying the extra hundred American bucks to pay for a large enough tarp for it, you and i both know if it were a smaller animal it'd be covered, and plus are you willing to pay up the extra cash, their not like America with all the fancy money lying around to use, atleast they could afford a semi to take it.

    Humans to me have religion, Animals do not, BOTH decompose however. Animals however are a creation of God therefore no more better than Humans, only in the fact that Humans have a thing called CHOICE. the choice to fuck another same sex brains out if they want, a choice to be like an animal and eat their own kind ( it happens), a choice to shoot their family or strangers.

    I'm getting too deep in this crap, this was ment to be sorta of humerous, not a big political/religious/philosophical ranting flame war.

  • catalyst%s's Photo

    3) Other than earth and ecosystems in general, I respect animals and don't support unneccesarily disrupting them in the name of economics, for example as the Alaska Oil Drilling proposal will build a frickin oil rig in the middle of a US park.  Oh, yes catalyst, we have the best park system...well, we did, until we got a president who's triyng to build oil rigs in the middle of them.

    The harvesting of caribou herds for nothing more than antler velvet in oriental aphrodisiacs has had a greater impact on polar shelf ecology than a few hundred oil rigs will, and it won't be a few hundred, if any. Mr. Bush and his interests are temporary but effective distraction for the real problem - our disunity - which will not be solved at the current level of thought.

    Turtleman has the most honest thesis, distasteful as it may be, and we could die pretending to be right. Such bliss, fulfillment - gad, what I'd give to be an exploding whale!
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    The harvesting of caribou herds for nothing more than antler velvet in oriental aphrodisiacs has had a greater impact on polar shelf ecology than a few hundred oil rigs will, and it won't be a few hundred, if any. Mr. Bush and his interests are temporary but effective distraction for the real problem - our disunity - which will not be solved at the current level of thought.

    You gotta clean that sentence up. Took me a while to figure out what you were saying.

    Basically, it was a dead whale. It's Taiwan. This is a country who's Parliament meetings more resemble the WWE than Congress.

    So it would make logical sene that they didn't know the whale would explode and that they didn't have a tarp to cover it, and that they were taking the simplest way to the university.. through city streets.

    Frankly, the whale itself has nothing to do with environmentalism. Respect for animals and whatnot, the damn thing beached itself. And then people were doing the first thing that came to their minds... study it... in a controlled environment. Sure, all that went out the window (and onto some windows) when the whale exploded, but it's no need to turn this whole thing into how America sucks.

    Now, environmentally, America DOES suck... at least currently. Remember that the national park system was set up a century ago by a president with some sort of intelligence and values, Theodore Roosevelt. We, however, are living in another Gilded Age, where corporations and money will buy you anything. Truth be told, most Americans don't give a crap about the environment. Most won't even do basic measures like recycle, buy recycled products, conserve water/energy, and so forth. Most people would rather have a nice view of the road than buy a more efficient automobile. Is there any real reason any non-military person should have a Hummer, for example? Is there any true need for one? Of course not, but they're stylish and interesting. And they're big and intimidating. And they make their owners feel powerful. So instead of doing the better good for the community, Americans tend to be selfish.

    It's a problem that extends everywhere but is really prevailant in the Western culture, where the emphasis is more towards the ego and self rather than the community and the whole. It's not to say that we are evil; our society is just flawed in this respect. After all, we won't be alive when the Earth boils over. What do we have to care about, really?

    It all boils down to selfishness. And not the naughty selfishness where you purposefully harm others for your own good... but just basic human desire to further itself.

    I'm not saying give up all of your worldly possessions and live amongst the caribou... but if everyone did a little bit to help the Earth, the combined effort would be very impressive.

    It all starts with you. If you don't care; if you think Earth is going to hell anyway, it will. But if you believe you can make a difference and act towards it, then the future may be brighter.

    It's a matter of self motivation and willpower.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    My dad saw this in the paper, and cut it out cos it had a cool headline, and I collect funny headlines (my best one is either 'Brother Sacks Chip Shop Sex Probe Man' or 'Living Mother Is Told She Is Dead' :D)

    That picture of the scooter is just rank. And I agree with whoever it was that said it's a good job it didn't explode in the university!
  • Rage%s's Photo

    Butterfinger and Rage, I see what you are saying.  Yes this is funny, but in that sort of interesting "wtf" kind of way.. where you stare at it in awe and just kind of wonder.. what the hell...

    Awe and wonder? :|

    I just ment that it was dead long before the carcuss exploded.

    I was making fun of the situation that the whale's guts exploded.. I mean come on' if i saw myself (in soul form) explode AFTER i ded i'd sorta find that humerous, atleast that is what it is with me.

    Exactly. If I could watch myself after Id died and saw my body blow up in a crowded area. I would find it quite hilarious.
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    Also to add to my last post...

    when whales stop beaching themselves...
  • catalyst%s's Photo

    You gotta clean that sentence up.  Took me a while to figure out what you were saying.

    I'm much better at cleaning up well sites, drilling leases, and mines, and dealing with the people who made the mess. You figured it out, or already knew, and made the point more eloquently than I ever could - your last three paragraphs are elegant, warming.

    After seeing things in the north my mind still doesn't want to believe, I made a choice to work with said industrialists and corporate types - in their homes, where they feel safe, building trust relationships, educating when possible. To a person, they are good people, most often bound by ignorance and I've been far more effective at this than going over the fence at nuclear installations or teaching construction in the studio.

    Still, on the next plateau you might check out "a clearing in the distance: Frederick Law Olmsted and North America in the Nineteenth Century" by Witold Rybczynski, 1999.
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo

    My dad saw this in the paper, and cut it out cos it had a cool headline, and I collect funny headlines (my best one is either 'Brother Sacks Chip Shop Sex Probe Man' or 'Living Mother Is Told She Is Dead' :D)

    That's funny. I bought a grocery store tabloid one time that said "Saddam and Osama Adopt Shaved Ape Baby One Month After Their Gay Marriage Shocked the World." It was just too good to resist.. it's gonna be worth a lot some day. :yup:
  • guljam%s's Photo
  • rK_%s's Photo
    the whale was dead...

    it killed itself...

    on purpose...

    we run tests to learn about them...

    whats the big deal?...
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    hahaha sa you rule. that was the best rant yet.... :)

    I think what we've got so far is.
    1) Humans Suck
    2) Exploding animals are funny at least in someway
    3) and everyone here hates everyone else :p
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    And that was the worst piece of shit rant I heard in my life. People like you need to stop smoking so much weed and notice that no one fucking cares for the earth anymore. Look at us Americans. All our fucking cars and computers and shit we fucking don't need. We need fucking killing. Our population is going up soo high. I think we should sart having more wars actually. People need to die soon, or we will be living in a shithouse.

    This is funny coming from you, because you don't have the balls to kill yourself.

    (You should have. Idiot.)
  • Maverick%s's Photo
    "a dead whale exploded" = "america's capitalistic, selfish economy is wrong"

    ??? What the fuck?

    ...oh, one major point. A dead human body will not "explode" like that unless it was left dead someplace for a long time. See, us humans do a bit of "cleaning" to dead bodies so that this kind of this won't happen. Hence why bodies go to the morgue or funeral home. They "prepare," a.k.a. clean out the body, to prevent this type of occurance.

    ...and Turtleman is an ass.
  • Panic%s's Photo

    When dogs stop drinking from the toilet, when birds stop flying into windows, when squirrels stop biting each others testicles off during breeding season, when turkeys stop drowning in the rain, when lemmings stop following eachother into rivers and off cliffs during migration, and when animals stop doing all the stupid shit they do then they can have their rights and respect. Until then I give them no sympathy.

    When sweatshop owners in Southeast Asia stop exploiting young children for labor 15 hours a day, when armies and dictators stop killing anyone who disagrees with them, when people stop dying every day from suicide bomb attacks over a different interpretation of God, when children stop being taken away for prostitution at a young age, when torture is discontinued, when people in the U.S. start caring about whether people in Bangladesh are able to have dinner tonight instead of the price of that SUV, when we stop ravaging the environment and polluting the atmosphere for oil and gas when there are clear alternatives and all we need is a little investment and research, when we stop imprisoning people without possibility of perol on a hunch, when we stop hunting wildlife for amusement, when "the environment" ceases to be a sideline issue in politics, as if we are somehow removed from it, when we stop living our lives based on greed and start living based on benevolence, when we realize that we only have this one planet to live on, and we must treat it well, plants, animals, and people...

    Sorry, Metal. The case is against you.

    More ranting later.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    Well this is one of the best threads we've seen in a long time, and it all shot off from a clipping of a whale's guts all over a street. I like that I agree with everyone but have my own opinion that's different from everyone else's. That's one reason I don't post in a lot of ad district threads, because my opinion has already been stated. But I don't have a clear opinion on this (yet!) so I'll stay up for a while and chat with you folks (I know, no one's there :'( ) about all this.

    First of all I'd like to point something out. I believe I just wrote this sentence:

    Well this is ....a clipping of a whale's guts all over a street.

    What the hell's up with that? There has to be something wrong with this picture. That's true dumb-ness of the human race in my opinion, because we figured out how to load something a hundred times bigger than us up onto a truck bed, and how to transport something that heavy at a reasonable speed, but we can't prevent it from blowing its guts all over the street. Maybe we didn't know about the phenomenon in the stoumach which causes gas buildup and can blow apart the region? Certainly not, plenty of people here knew it.

    Yeah, you knew that, didn't you. And you were proud of it.

    Well guess what. In order to gain that knowledge, the Taiwanese and plenty of other coastal countries transported beached animals across city streets, into labratories, ripped them apart, and studied every reaction inside that carcass. Do you resent that? I, for one, am happy that human beings are in pursuit of knowlege. We are not yet in a time where we know enough to satisfy our taste for knowledge. When that day comes, you better believe there'll be peace on earth, at least for a little while. But the only way to get there is to keep trying to know things. Because humans, as a side effect of having brains more advanced than any species, need satisfaction. We can't have it, but we are always in search of it. Our brains, unless trained, cannot be idle. Therefore, anyone who tried to fulfill their dream of sitting under a tree without a single problem would ultimately fail. Because at this point in time, the human mind is constantly in search of knowledge in order to achieve satisfaction.

    Anyway I agree that agree that animals have souls - it'd be retarted to think they didn't. But that's why I believe in reincarnation. And ultimately the human body has to be the last challenge for the soul. Sure it'd be beautiful to be an animal. But if an animal has no choice, and only lives by instinct, then it can't have a soul by the definition of modern Christianity because it could not accept Jesus Christ as its savior (see, dumb) and would therefore have no choice but to go to hell, even though it never did a thing wrong. Or possibly it would always go to heaven, because it did not sin. But that's not fair. To say an animal has no soul is ridiculous. Therefore I refuse to accept classical Christianity. It's like Classical mechanics. It works for the simple mind, but the details just don't work at all and they're sometimes disturbing.

    Where the fuck was I? Oh, yeah. Anyway, about the whale. People caring about the environment and their surroundings is extremely important to the human race in my opinion. But guys, so is knowledge. People have just got to know. And until can all prove that respect to the whale carcass is important, the Taiwanese are still going to transport them through the streets, without forking out the extra benjamin. It's a sad age, I know. But those of you who it angered were probably very in touch with your environment. You have developed, as I have, a relationship with that whale, without conciously deciding it. That whale's family is sad and probably damn pissed that it died, because they had a relationship with it. But the human race in general is not in touch with anything but the human race, and do not therefore consider them sacred.

    The point is, it's all meant to happen. I'm just going to play the best part in this game that I can.

    BTW, if a whale has no CHOICE, how could it "beach itself." Would someone please explain this for me?
  • Turtleman%s's Photo
    Hey I know ... WHO FUCKING CARES! Why are we discussing these problems in which no one is going to agree with each other and we are going to keep debating over a stupid topic. How about we talk the original topic. You guys are now taking what was a simple talk about a whale into a full debate.. You fucking extremists take things WAY to far. Really ridiculous.
  • cBass%s's Photo
    My favorite part was when the whale exploded. :lol:
  • rK_%s's Photo

    My favorite part was when the whale exploded.  :lol:


    1. There is no god so stop talking to yourself.
    2. No heaven, No hell, Just Dirt and a pine box, or marble if you have the money.
    3. the USA sucks, thats why im moving to japan to go drift with komatsu and bai, OH YEA!
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    You people worry about politics and shit too much.
    Look at the exploded whale! LOOK! LAUGH! :lol: :lol: :lol:


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