RCT Discussion / Recalling Danimation

  • Panic%s's Photo
    Ah, so that's why Git is so well known.

    In the past months I thought he was a little...off. Maybe he was less odd at Danimation?
  • Panoramical%s's Photo
    what exactly was danimation? is it still alive?
  • Critic%s's Photo

    what exactly was danimation? is it still alive?

  • Panoramical%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    [font="Arial"]this is nothing to do with rct! neither is damination.com!!![/font]
  • Nic%s's Photo
    It used to be.

    Was home of some of the greatest parkmakers ever.
  • Panoramical%s's Photo
    what, so old chinny up their used to be a parkmaker?
  • Nic%s's Photo
    Nope, he was God, or he thought he was. He was just the webmaster, banned people et al. He was pretty much either loved or hated.

    Oh, his name was Dan - hence Danimation.

    FluxD - The new version of Dani.
  • Panoramical%s's Photo
    ^yeah, i visited that. thanks for letting me know!
  • Nic%s's Photo
    No problem.

    I think any RCTer should know and respect their past. :)
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo

    Danimation was one of the greatest websites of all time. They had that cool logo with the coaser going through the 'D' and some of the greatest spotlights. It had cool members and no one knew Duke was gay. It had these aweosme "hidden parks" that made us go "omg! I found it!" and if you had no life then you would spend hours searching for the hidden parks.

    But then it started to go down hill... I beleive it started to go down hill with the chat services. I forget what came first, Iris and Adix being mods or the chat room, but I will talk about the chat room first. The chat room was one of the main hangouts (besides the forums) that people went to. We played cool games in there and did all kinds of cool stuff. There was some guy named 'RedDog' or something silly like that who was the Great Ruler of the MagicStar server. Dan got in a fight over something with RedDog and then we had this extremely cool chat where we stated our last words.. then the chatroom was closed for good and people posted the chat long on Danimation and got banned.

    Now to the Iris and Adix part... Dan was looking for some new mods and people applied to be mods and stuff. Well Adix applied and got in and Iris applied but didn't get in and then I got an IM one day and he was like "Don't you think I should be mod? omg I should be mod!" and I am like "k" and then Iris talked to Dan and he became mod. Well... then there was there was some confususion over somthing and Dan banned Adix. Then everyone was like "wtf?" on the forums and then Dan went on a banning spree and went "ban" "ban" "ban" "ban" and then Buster popped up and said "I am cool."

    At that time I was known as "The Nutty Smilie Guy" and I was 'ok' friends with Iris and he IMed me asking "Hey I got a new website and I need some cool smilies for my forum." and I was like "cool. here have these 2 - |) :p " and then I'm like "here go to www.mysmilies.com for some cool ones" and then he is like "wow thanks hey join the forums" and then I'm like "I already did :)" and then Iris is like "cool" and then the NE forums were pretty dead... So I stoped visiting NE.

    But... I come back a year later or somehing like that because I got tired of Dan and his German Sheep-Fucking Mod Squad (no offense to germans but alot of them were gay tards) of banning eveyone and turning the whole site to shit and when I came back to NE I was like "holy fuck! NE grew into a colony!" and then I join again and everyone is like "You fucking noob" "n00b" "I hate you" and "eboums world.com" and it was cool.

    THE END :SA:
  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo
    Yeah. I remember joining in mid-2000. I didn't do much then. I was more of a lurker. I downloaded parks. That was it.

    Later, ck2k started a graphics trend in 2001 or so, and I tagged along. I got photoshop 6 and started making stuff. I started tagging along with stupid git, and jontierney, too. Good times. Anyway. On nine-eleven, Dan announced that the site was going to change(the famous, ORIGINAL "spotlight" was scrapped). In early 2002, there was a backlash(the big "revolution"). Danimation was then coined "Banimation" in result of people being repremanded. Rebeltorumble joined and caused havok. Those were great times. In August 2002, the old Danimation was changed to a new site design. At this time, I, along with rebeltorumble, and chrisryn64 started a rucus by spamming like crazy. I had like, 600 post in a topic after posting in it for a week or so. That was crazy. Another backlash came along, and rebel was banned along with a few others including myself(lolo, I've been unbanned since..). Since then, only small conflicts have happened on dnet. Recently, Dan decided to turn danimation.com into his personal portfolio site(he became irritated after members complained), for his job, and fluxd came along to replace DENT. I pretty much stopped posting there, and started visiting NE more. The place(fluxd) is a shithole, really. I don't think that anything will come of it, even though things have been promised. We'll see.

    Dude I remember that park! That was Jarod Misner's Riverfront Amusement Park.

    No, you shithead. He is talking about Danimation Nation. I remember, those coasters were named after site moderators. Good times.

    Misner was great, though. I loved that park.
  • Skylor%s's Photo

    Yeah. I remember joining in mid-2000. I didn't do much then. I was more of a lurker. I downloaded parks. That was it.

    Later, ck2k started a graphics trend in 2001 or so, and I tagged along. I got photoshop 6 and started making stuff. I started tagging along with stupid git, and jontierney, too. Good times. Anyway. On nine-eleven, Dan announced that the site was going to change(the famous, ORIGINAL "spotlight" was scrapped). In early 2002, there was a backlash(the big "revolution"). Danimation was then coined "Banimation" in result of people being repremanded. Rebeltorumble joined and caused havok. Those were great times.  In August 2002, the old Danimation was changed to a new site design. At this time, I, along with rebeltorumble, and chrisryn64 started a rucus by spamming like crazy. I had like, 600 post in a topic after posting in it for a week or so. That was crazy. Even more recently, Dan decided to turn danimation.com into his personal portfolio site, for his job, and fluxd came along to replace DENT. The place is now a shithole, really. I don't think that anything will come of it, even though things have been promised. We'll see.

    No, you shithead. He is talking about Danimation Nation. I remember, those coasters were named after site moderators. Good times.

    Misner was great, though. I loved that park.

    I was the one that came up with the Banimation name.
    I remember that. Good times.

    I also renamed like all the staff.
    Off the top of my head:

  • G-Rocks%s's Photo
    I joined in February of 2001, I think Fatha's Wild Wild West was Spotlight at the time. I didn't win any Dan-picked spotlights, but I won 2 member spotlights. One was the Christmas one and the other was my updated version of Danimation Nation, which I called Danimation Revelation.

    The most memorable moment was definitely Cydonia City's release. Dan hyped that for days, then released FOO. Great, great stuff, I fell for it, as did many others.
  • iPark%s's Photo
    Hi, I think FluxD's pretty much on its last legs... News still on the front page from January. I've quoted some of your posts over there, to show what's gone wrong. Hope nobody minds ;)
  • Mike Robbins%s's Photo

    That was Jarod Misner's Riverfront Amusement Park.

    This park wasn't at Danimation. It was a first place winner for one of the contests I judged at Cav's. I also made the original Riverfront Amusement Park, based on the same workbench I made that Jared used for his park.

    Download Riverfront Amusement Park for RCT1 LL

    Cav's was a better site all around though, but it didn't have the famed 'Spotlight' or any active forums. There was a ton more content and Cav's had way more visitors per day than Danimation. Cav's was like an early equivelant of RCT Station.... without active forums.

    Danimation was still good though. I had a couple of Hidden parks.... can't remember which of my parks were hidden though. It's been too long.
  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo
    By the way, iPark, I spelled "dnet" wrong on purpose.
  • Coasterking2k%s's Photo
    I still hang out at FluxD quite a bit actually. I'm a moderator in the Digital Art forum, i've made a few wallpapers and i run FotoFlux. I consider myself one of the main contributors... :twitch:
    It can still be a good laugh there, especially now Jon has come back and CH and Buster are a lot less strict than Dan ever was. But the main page updates are now created by the members, and since the site switched to be about general entertainment, posts seem to have dropped.
    Apparently though, page visits are rising. Or something.

    I'll probably still be there for a while though.
  • iPark%s's Photo

    By the way, iPark, I spelled "dnet" wrong on purpose.

    I wasn't sure if you had or not, but I changed it just in case someone over there picked up on it, and said something like "Just shows you, they can't even spell" or something ;)
  • Dior%s's Photo
    BTW, Im the Duke they were talking about.

    Fuckd sucks now a days, it is just...Shit.
  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    if anyone is interested, i have a .zip file with all the danimation spotlights in em, if someone wants it mail me, danimation, never really went on the forums, mostly downloaded spotlights and stuff, was a nice site, from top to bottom eh 8@


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