Pro Tour 1 / PT Screens

  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    How can people say the coaster is "bleh" can hardly see it


    From what I can see, it looks bleh, now when it is revield my opinon of it will probably change.
  • John%s's Photo
    Isn't it possible to un-Photoshop it? ???
  • Micool%s's Photo
  • Junior%s's Photo

    Isn't it possible to un-Photoshop it? ???

    Possibly.. I did it with the Dodge tool. But I don't want to show it. Corky will get mad. :lol:
  • Janus%s's Photo
    Looks cool. It gives me some sort of caribbean-feeling.
    Is it that screen taken just by the map border?
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Yes. It would hardly show anything even if it wasn't photoshopped and dimmed to death.
  • John%s's Photo
    Alright, I have to come clean.
    I would post an image of my park, but I'm just too lazy to learn how to use Photoshop.
    Once i figure it out, I'll get a teaser up.
  • Richie%s's Photo

    Alright, I have to come clean.
    I would post an image of my park, but I'm just too lazy to learn how to use Photoshop.
    Once i figure it out, I'll get a teaser up.

    What do you need photoshop for? Unless your gonna be annoying like corkscrewed was ???

  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    Alright, I have to come clean.
    I would post an image of my park, but I'm just too lazy to learn how to use Photoshop.
    Once i figure it out, I'll get a teaser up.

    Come on, give us a screen. You know you wanna. ;)
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Fuck photoshop John, just post it.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    cut the bullshit John, post it or not, look at your fuck'in member tile, no-one has seen anything, so put up or shut up. ;)X
  • John%s's Photo
    I'm not about to post a full screenshot of it.
    I tried it with Paint, but the image colors get messed up.

    Oh well. :(
  • Micool%s's Photo
    For anyone who still chooses the "screenshot" option from the rct menu, don't. I know rct2 captures images in .jpg but this is still more efficient.

    Next to the F12 button there is a button called "Print Scrn". Yes, this is what you use to capture your desktop! Amazing that it works for rct too!

    Open Paint. Ctrl + V. Adjust image. Save as .jpg.

    Host. Post.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Actually, RCT 2 captures images in bitmaps (.bmp), not jpegs, so that would actually be the only direct way to capture a screen as a .jpeg.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    For anyone who still chooses the "screenshot" option from the rct menu, don't. I know rct2 captures images in .jpg but this is still more efficient.

    Next to the F12 button there is a button called "Print Scrn". Yes, this is what you use to capture your desktop! Amazing that it works for rct too!

    Open Paint. Ctrl + V. Adjust image. Save as .jpg.

    Host. Post.

    I tried that and for some reason I always get a big black screen.
    John: Take a screen then save it as .gif if .jpeg won't work, then some how cut it down.
  • John%s's Photo
    I think it works for LL when in window mode?
    Because I've tried that and get the black screen syndrome.
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    :0 You did an LL entry?
  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
    lol jacko, read into it more...
  • John%s's Photo
    I can't build in LL worth a shit. ;)
    Posted Image
    I've succumbed; here it is, finally.
  • sloB%s's Photo
    Oh John, you're such a tease. ;)

    That mowed grass is quite sexy though.
    Can't wait to see how she stacks up.


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