(Archive) Advertising District / Disney's Lost Empire

  • Hevydevy%s's Photo
    Hello there. I started a new park quite a while ago, but wanted to wait a while before I advertised. Its a Disney park that was composed of alot of my old ideas that were never released from my other Disney project which did end up about 80% complete. My new park has eight areas, four are themed specifically to Disney, one is a spin-off of a waterpark, one is a new look at classic Disney rides, one is a smaller area containing the focal point of the park, and one is the entrance. I won't be releaving the areas until I post pictures for the specific area. This should take place probably once a week. Most likely on weekends. So without further to do, the first area.

    Empire Cove

    Empire Cove is the very boring, very basic, but very pretty entrance to the rest of the park. It has everything you would want in a entrance, a few restaurants, a few shops, one being a Christmas shop in honor of my mom who was the insperation for the park, guest services, and the main station for the Empire Ferry Service.

    Click Here for pics of the entrance, and a restaurant. Sorry about the dead flowers.

    Please leave all your comments, good & bad. Look for a new pic and the unveiling of a new area next week.

  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    Don't apologize for making it Disney. If that's what you like to build, then build it. :) Looks really nice so far. Very basic, but also very pretty. Your architecture is minimal, but the landscaping fills it in nicely. I can see this park getting a lot more popular in the future.. if you said you're almost done with it. Keep it up.
  • Fenix%s's Photo
    It's not bad. but add way more color to the park. Use some Disney colors like colorful neutrals, like dull reds, greens, and light blues. Try adding variation of paths. Everything sorta blends right now. Even the trees :0 !!!!!!!!!!!! The architecture is fine with me, but I'm not to familiar with LL so don't consider me an expert. I think some simple color changes would make a great difference. Oh, also do something about were you have your trees placed in the first screen, there a little too random right now. Can you imagine how annoying it would be to walk around all those trees, try to make them a little symmetrical, but not borring, if you know what i mean.
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    god damnit this sucks.... I'm almost done with my disney park, and was going to advertise it. But with this amount of disney here on the ad district, I won't.
  • Fenix%s's Photo

    god damnit this sucks.... I'm almost done with my disney park, and was going to advertise it. But with this amount of disney here on the ad district, I won't.

    I know im probably gonna get flamed, but what's wrong with lots of Disney parks. I mean does the tittle of a park really matter. In fact most of the parks that have Disney name in them don't even look Disney. I say you start advertising. So far only park that looks really Disney too me is Mad Dawg's park. Besides, I like to see what people have to offer so please do advertise.
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo

    god damnit this sucks.... I'm almost done with my disney park, and was going to advertise it. But with this amount of disney here on the ad district, I won't.

    Why not? NE has 8 Disney spotlights, but that didnt stop people advertising Disney parks....
  • Alec%s's Photo
    Wow, I'm impressed. I enjoy the look of it, and I don't think it's overdone, and quite frankly, it's very good looking. If it was a girl in real life I'd hit on her. Hell yeah, I'm ridin' low.
  • posix%s's Photo
    I love the screens.
    I think there's some originality in them and they are very eye-pleasing as well to me. Whether the park is Disney or not I can't say. Those wooden coaster rails are very well done by the way.
    Good to see some skilled LL player these days.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    It kinda has a Natelox-Disney feel to it. It's definitely a great park, though I'd personally hesitate to call it Disney. That might have more to do with the fact that I don't think RCT 1 makes good Disney parks, though.

    As far as the park quality goes, it's pretty good. Nice sunny atmosphere, though I'd probably prefer a little more color.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I really enjoyed looking at your old Disney screens (massive project!) and your Hi Rollers (great track-work), so it's great to see some more work from you. It's a good start to the park, and judging by your tone it will be getting more in-depth and funkier as you go along.

    Good work :)
  • Alpengeist%s's Photo
    i see the disney craze went down,so you really shouldn't say sorry.

    Empire Cove is really looking good,except that im seeing the theme too much...
  • -coasterdude556-%s's Photo
    Looks good, even with the dead flowers.
  • natelox%s's Photo
    I'm not feeling that first screen, but that second screen is god-like.
  • Zephyr%s's Photo
    I'm not sure about the first screen. It seems nice, but there are too many trees in the middle of the path. I think it would look better if you could find something else to do with that pathing...

    The second screen is great, don't change a thing.
  • Hevydevy%s's Photo
    Well thanks for all the comments.

    To Mr. Fenix- With the flowers watered there is alot more color, as you will soon see.

    To Mr. Dragonfly- Go ahead.

    To Mr. Alec- If it was a girl in real life I would lock her up so you couldn't get to her.

    To Mr. Mantis- You ain't seen nothin yet.

    To Mr. Natelox- god-like = Natelox-like

    To Mr. Zephyr- I'm planning on livening up the paths a little bit, but I like the trees.

    I've posted a new screen of the Empire Cove General Store. It also shows a little glimpse of one of the areas yet to be revealed. Expect a new area and two new screens on Sunday/Monday.

    Here is the link as usual.

    Please leave all your comments, good & bad.

  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    This isn't meant as an insult, but I think the park would do better as just "The Lost Empire".. just seems more original. That new screen is the best yet, btw.
  • JKay%s's Photo
    Yeah, I agree with Jacko....I ain't really feelin' the Disney vibe with the screens you've shown so far, however they are incredible, espcially the most recent screen....keep this up...
  • Leighx%s's Photo
    i dont know alot about rct1 but that looks pretty damn good to me.
  • PymGuy%s's Photo
    HevyDevy, this park looks beautiful. I can see the influence of natelox in your work, and I'm sure that just this secion is going to be earth-colored, atleast I'm hoping for some more color! Other than that, It's beautiful. Hopefully you'll keep this up all the way to spotlight or runner-up!
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    I'm not feeling the Disney in it either. On the other hand I do love what you have going. The first screen is okay, too much pathing really but the 2nd and 3rd are beautiful and full of depth. Based on the fact that the year counter claims it to be year 83 then may I assume this park will be done soon, I sure hope so b/c it looks yummy. Eye candy!



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