General Chat / Official MLB Playoffs 2004 Thread

  • chapelz%s's Photo
    Boston Massacure.

    Hey moon who's your daddy?
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Jesus Christ, I've never seen three games of such terrible baseball.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Well, at least both teams outscored the ASU football team.... :D

    But yeah... Boston, you believe... in another season. Cya next year.

    I was rooting for the Sox, but I'm not heartbroken over their loss. That's for sweeping the Angels. :D
  • Annie Reckson%s's Photo

    Boston Massacure.

    Hey moon who's your daddy?

    ...stop trying to be me.

    I was pulling that line at least five days ago.

    ...And I hate the Yanks.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Ah, "Who's your daddy."
    Proof that Yankee fans (and New Yorkers in general) may have a good baseball team, but they sure are retards.
  • coasterphil%s's Photo
    I think it is a great idea. If Pedro wants to make a stupid comment like that why wouldn't the fans capitalize on it. Don't act like Red Sox fans are all high and mighty. Afterall, you had the bullpen attendant that fought with a player. That seems more "retarded."
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    I think it is a great idea. If Pedro wants to make a stupid comment like that why wouldn't the fans capitalize on it. Don't act like Red Sox fans are all high and mighty. Afterall, you had the bullpen attendant that fought with a player. That seems more "retarded."

    No, that's why we're awesome.
    I mean. Yankee fans talk a lot of shit. But Red Sox fans (and Fenway Park employees) beat the shit out of people. Advantage = Boston

    Besides, Pedro was all like, "All those chants made me feel important, I was the center of attention in New York City and it made me feel good etc..." See, you can't get a man down when he's got that kind of spin ability working for him.
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    Moon hates New Yorkers. :'( :'(
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Tension... Sox tied it in the bottom of the 9th.

    We're at the 12th now... 4-4
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    And Boston now loves David Ortiz even more.

    Walkoff homer to win the game in the top of the12th, 6-4.
  • ECC%s's Photo
    I was pissed. I fell asleep in the 11th.

    But they won, that's all that matters.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Damn! This game started three hours before the Houston/St. Louis game but MIGHT finish after it! It's 4-4 (again), bottom of the 14th. Ortiz is up. Can he repeat last night's heroics?

    In Houston, Backe and Woody Williams are having an insane duel, BOTH pitching ONE HITTERS!!! Amazing.

    Great games tonight!!!
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    ORTIZ WINS THE GAME AGAIN!!!! 2 out single drives in Damon!! How about that!!!!

    Boston is still undefeated at Fenway in playoff extra inning games in its team history. Yankees lose back-to-back extra inning playoff games for the first time ever. Boston, you can celebrate. This has turned into an awesome series!
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    Go Sox!
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Oooh shoot.
    My blood pressure is rapidly rising and my lifespan is down 6 months for every extra inning, but it may very well be worth it.

    Big Papi = :wub:
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    JEFF KENT WITH A WALKOFF THREE RUN SHOT TO WIN THE GAME!!! Astros up 3-2... they're celebrating in Houston! Man.

    On a sad note, Beltran's homer streak ended. :(

    But wow, a huge pitching duel between Williams and Backe, but Lidge picks up the win and the Astros beat the Cards' closer, Isringhausen!!!

    October ROCKS!!!
  • Fatha'%s's Photo
    Is this....
    Is this really happening?

  • minnimee85%s's Photo
    I think this may be proof that god doesnt actually hate me.
    Then the yankees will win, and ill go back to worshipping satan.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Just two more innings and the Yankee/Red Sox series is tied!!!
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Them dirty Yanks, can't do that A-Rod :D :p


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