General Chat / Decision 2004(for USA anyway..)

Who will you vote for?

  • Micool%s's Photo
    Notice...they haven't shown the numbers on any station for Ohio, except CNN.
    Which hasn't made a prediction yet.
    Because it is 51-49% with 89% in.
    Yeah, that race is over :elf:
  • Outlaw%s's Photo

    Bush wants to ban gay marriage, although it doesn't affect me directly it goes against my morals and personal opinion.

    Bush is fighting a loosing war in Iraq.  We are loosing troops daily, men are dying that do not need to be dying.  That effects me emtionaly.

    Bushes idiotic tax cuts just incure more debt that I am going to have to pay, and they don't affect the econemy.

    Bush is leading a jobless econemy growth, that affects me because my Dad doesn't have the job he should.  Bush has no right to claim that he has had anything to do with current growth.

    1. He's not really banning the gay marriage, as it's not in effect yet. He just doesn't support it. Kerry doesn't either, but just to keep the support of homosexuals, he DOES support civil unions. Woo-fucking-hoo.

    2. That's true, I agree with that. Although, we DID need Saddam Hussein out of power.

    3. Maybe they're idiotic for you, but for the people getting the tax cut they may be helpful.

    4. That's certainly a biased statement. Maybe I think my dad should be the CEO of the company he works for, but I'm not going to blame Bush and a "jobless economy" for that not happening. The second part of that statement I COMPLETELY agree with. It's just like the girls in my class were saying. They were like "Clinton doesn't deserve recognition for the good economy we had, Reagan does." But then 5 minutes later they're saying "Our economy is doing much better now thanks to Bush." And I was sitting there thinking "Bush doesn't deserve recognition for the good economy we have, Clinton does doesn't he?"
  • Old Red%s's Photo
    ...go to bed...and I promise the sun will still rise in the east...

  • Micool%s's Photo
    If anyone wants to see a fun race, look no further than the mayor of San Diego. It was a nonpartisan race until 5 weeks ago a certain Donna Frye entered the race as a write in candidate--she's not even on the ballot! At the moment, the score stands


    "We sure know how to make it interesting."

    -Dick Murphy
  • Hyperpretension%s's Photo
    Sorry, I had to do it...

    Kerry just got...

    More rational analysis to follow. If I feel like it.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    Oh, so NOW they're saying Ohio may NOT have actually gone to Bush!
  • lazyboy97O%s's Photo
    NBC has called Ohio for Bush.
    Yahoo! has Ohio and Iowa leaning Bush.
    Drudge has already declared Bush the winner.
  • Micool%s's Photo

    NBC has called Ohio for Bush.

    They went back on it without removing the red 8@
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    Enjoy your fucked up new THEOCRATIC "cuntry" under another 4 years of Dickhead.

    Chris and I will be moving to Europe where the peeps don't seem to have their heads so COMPLETELY up their asses.

    Has no one in the US paid attention to the fact the the EU is now buckling down on imports from the US? They are not going to put up with this admins bullshit anymore...and good for them.

    I have a is REALLY far fetched....but it at least makes me chuckle...

    If everyone in the US who thought Dubya's admin was a joke....just up and left for one month........we could successfully bankrupt the theological bullshit that is going on in the US. And because the Republicanazis cannot see the end of their dicks unless a dollar bill is attached, maybe they would realize that the bible is not the constitution, and put this sick baby to bed...once and for all.
  • lazyboy97O%s's Photo
    If you truely align mostly with the Libertarians why are you moving to Europe?
  • Highball%s's Photo
    I can't believe this. JFK is losing... I hope, no I pray that JFK wins. I can't take another 4 years under Dubya. I'm moving to Austrailia. Gonna get me a Sheila. I hear Sydney's nice...
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    If anyone wants to see a fun race, look no further than the mayor of San Diego. It was a nonpartisan race until 5 weeks ago a certain Donna Frye entered the race as a write in candidate--she's not even on the ballot! At the moment, the score stands


    "We sure know how to make it interesting."

    -Dick Murphy


    How the hell can anyone vote for that ultra hippie tree fingering megaradical bubblying feces goo of a hag???? She's absolutely crazy, does not believe in bringing business to San Diego, and will turn it into one giant nature forest filled with happy tree friends! She fought and fought until Journey to Atlantis was castrated into a crappy piece of monkey dung, and she will drive the city into the ground!!!!

    Seriously. If Frye wins, that'll be 10000000000000000000000000 times worse than Bush taking over the world.

    Posted Image

    And she's hideous too.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    Because I have family there....

    Because I can renounce my US citizenship and claim my German citizenship.

    Because once Dubya is done with this will resemble Salem in the 1700's.

    Yes...Europe is much more socialist.
    I am willing to put up with that if it means I needn't be worried about being arrested because of the way I was born.

    You don't have these keep your mouth tuned to the things which you understand.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    Well Cork, the write in votes are up 37% with 40% counted.
    But who knows! They could have voted for Roger Rabbit!

    I tell you one thing, if she does get elected, that means nothing new in the sports world for four years.
    But since that's all I care about San Diego the city, I'm just being selfish.

    BTW...what does it tell you when the nation's capital is 90% against Bush...
  • lazyboy97O%s's Photo
    That the nation's capital has no place in presidential voting.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    ...that you are rather biased and dismiss everything that doesn't go your way without adequate explanation.

    (Although I do somewhat agree... that DC wrecked Bush means little... except for jokes).
  • lazyboy97O%s's Photo
    There is nothing biased about thinking that DC does not deserve electorall votes. The District is not a state and does not deserve one. The argumet is that they are US citizens and aren't allowed to vote. But what about the people of Puerto Rico, Guam, Midway, US Marianas, US Virgin Islands, and the other US territories that are citizens and do not get to vote for president? DC is the only non state to get presidential votes ever.

    And if DC gets to vote then so do the disenfranchised cattle of Wyoming. ;)X
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Well, see, if you had posted that in your earlier post, that would have made you seem a lot more intelligent, rather than someone who dismisses stuff he doesn't agree with.

    And frankly, the District of Columbia, IMO, is closer to a state than Puerto Rico, whose people have opted not to become a state more than once. D.C. peeps would probably vote to become a state if that scenario was ever a possibility (just pretend here).

    Anyway, no real reason to argue this... the vote will still come down to Ohio, and my gut feeling is (and has been, sadly) that Bush will win this. I haven't been wrong since I started "predicting" presidential elections in 1992. That is... I've had a feeling that Clinton, Clinton and Bush would win before the elections, and they ended up winning.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    The headline today:

    Kerry Concedes. Bush Wins. Lazyboy Ejaculates.

    Congratulations, Dubya. If you can fix the shit you've caused over the past four years, I'm more than willing to change my point of view on you. If you don't... well, aren't we in shit?
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Great. 4 more years of being scared of him every time he's on TV. Just great.


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