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Dirk Pitt
  • Offline
  • United States United States

  • People care about the game coaster rating?... Lol.

  • I don't know about you guys, but the way we did it back in the days was we made one side of the station, then copied the entire track except this time the station was on the other side and overlayed it on the existing track then timed the train dispatch so they wouldn't overlap, ta-da, you have the illusion of a working double station now.

  • Well, you just may as well give the win to Thunderhead because it is the only obvious good one on the map. Thunderhead was also much better than the winning park from map 1 as well. 

  • Wouldn't the last person building on a map have the best advantage? They would be able to see everybody's work and adjust their work to (in their own mind) best beat the other players? Individual maps may be the best way to go instead of having it all on one map.

  • Well color me intrigued now, if OpenRCT2 makes hacking that much easier and takes less time for a hack, it's a win win for me to use it as a platform for my hacking needs and normal RCT for a stable version of the game.


    Would there be any opportunity in OpenRCT2 in the future to add custom track sets or custom track pieces for existing tracks such as a true immelman half barrel roll dive exit piece? 


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