wildroller%s's Photo
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  • Tallest, fastest, most inverting, steepest wooden coaster.

    Your move, Cedar Point.

    It is well past time for the Mean Streak to get a serious makeover! I would love to see something like this happen to the Mean Streak!
  • ^ I'm not a hacker, but the one AK coaster mentioned will break down more frequently.

    The toggle chainlift won't have this problem.

    But if it does have a problem, you can just hack in a station and merge it with the rest of the ride!
  • It's been a pretty long time since I posted anything in here so here is the start of a fun terrain woody featuring lots of good airtime! The woody is 7100 feet long and has 4 times during the layout where the coaster hits a new top speed, with the last one being the big drop after the station crossover.

    Attached File  SCR2.png (62.73KB)
    downloads: 436
  • There's also not a MCBR on the ride. I really dig the use of the terrain to get the top speed half way through the ride! Gonna be a sick coaster to put at Kings Island!
  • Glad I didn't insult you, at least.

    While I think this is a good idea, and will help get things through the system faster, it might scare newer or less experienced users away from submitting things. I think it would help to have clearer ideas of what's an acceptable submission and what's not.

    Look at all the submissions that have gottan below a 20% on here, more than likely all those users knew they were submitting crap.


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