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  • Thanks to everyone for providing their thoughts/feedback. As my first 'relevant' RCT2 work I uploaded this primarily to receive such feedback to help me further improve. I've been around for a bit on RCTgo (where you can find all of my work) and I'm far more proficient with the 3D titles (although RCT3 is dead so I've since moved on to Planet Coaster and Parkitect). Hopefully I'll continue to improve thanks to feedback here.

  • Considering I've only been to BGW once and I knew what this was before I noticed the description or read comments, I'd say this is a pretty spot-on job.


    Clock tower should be a tad wider though.

  • I highly suggest toning down on the number of palm trees used (of any kind) in the build, they're very high-maintenance trees in reality and a real park would have trouble keeping up with this many. (unless they're fake, in which case they still don't look great in high numbers).

  • I've been waiting to see how this would turn out for quite some time, since you started teasing El Grande for Build-It! over on RCTgo. Now that it's released... well I have some mixed opinions on it.


    Roller Coasters:


    Probably what I'm most qualified to speak on here, we have quite a mixed bag. I'm not going to go over each but I will say that some really don't work (no pun intended with the constant breakdowns here), while others work quite well with their themed area.


    I did however enjoy your creativity (as usual) with your ride selection, and I did like how you took inspiration from Busch Gardens Williamsburg, I just wish that instead of a Tempesto clone you would have done an Alpengeist clone.




    Not bad, the only real complaint I have with it is the amount of constant clipping that appears all over the build. Mixing CSO and NCSO also doesn't bother me - use what you think is best for the build you're working on.




    As previously stated the river is a bit wonky, but overall I think you did a good job. There were some questionable choices with some foliage (flowers) but that's a rather minor nitpick in my mind.


    I'm still not totally familiar with the accolades and how ya'll rate things around here, but I don't think the lack of polish here deems the build unworthy of a Bronze at the very least. If there were %'s between the intervals of five I'd vote it somewhere between a 58% and a 62% personally. I'll probably just round that out to a 60% on my vote.

  • Looks great, I echo Saxman's sentiment though.


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