Park / Internet City

Park_87 Internet City

Which is the better park?

  1. Strangelove - Internet City 63 votes [47.01%]
    Percentage of vote: 47.01%
  2. Ferocious Tigers - Kayte Ridge 71 votes [52.99%]
    Percentage of vote: 52.99%


This park shares comments with 1 other park(View Park)
  • JJ%s's Photo
    50/50 now :|
  • X250%s's Photo
    I voted for Strangelove cos im on there team, and i prefer fantasy parks. Great work on this guys.

  • postit%s's Photo
    Wow. Kayte Ridge really impressed me. I agree that a lot of times "realistic parks" can be boring but I found this one quite exciting. Also, everything was pulled off flawlessly. I'm very impressed. There's a certain parkmaker who will be hearing from me soon, because this was almost perfection. Internet city is another H2H crapfest of over-busyness and randomness based on a gimmick. There was absolutely no flow and other than the gimmick/creativity (wow, you know that porn is popular and have translated it into the game by using regular 'RCTecture' with different shades of pink! It captures it so well because pinks obviously represent porn!1!!) there is nothing interesting/groundbreaking about it.

    So I hope those of you who haven't voted will look at it this way. I voted for the Tigers.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Didn't we agree at some point not to post the vote totals in the topic where people can read them before they vote?
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo

    (wow, you know that porn is popular and have translated it into the game by using regular 'RCTecture' with different shades of pink! It captures it so well because pinks obviously represent porn!1!!)

    dude. porn is naked people and flesh is pinkish. how the fuck else were they supposed to represent it?
  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    I voted for the Tigers, because they're my team, and I prefer an actual "park" over a bunch of random blocks.

    Edited by geewhzz, 21 July 2006 - 12:47 PM.

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    Didn't we agree at some point not to post the vote totals in the topic where people can read them before they vote?

    We did?
  • Rohn Starr%s's Photo
    I haven't seen where anyone posted the actual votes, just where JJ posted that it was tied [50/50].
  • Buckeye Becky%s's Photo
    I actually agree with what Steve and Titan have said....shocking, I know :kiss: so I voted Tigers.

    JJ - I wub your sig :bunny:

    and RCTFan...hmmm...wonder where you got yours??? :p
  • Fatha'%s's Photo
    Interesting that all of you complain about originality.....usually thats what "knocks you all of your feet"

    More later on my thoughts.
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    I voted Strangelove for this one. I really liked the idea they went for and they pulled it off quite nicely. I really wasn't crazy about the architecture in Kayte Ridge even though I like the realist feel in parks. There are some things that could have been done better
  • riven3d%s's Photo
    well finally we have a tight race
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Really I felt the overall building forms in KR is what held it back most. It was very inconsistant, but I guess so was IC and I did like the coasters.

    I never said that internet city was "so much better" just that I think it's obvious as to which park took more time. I should probably quit making an ass of myself here though and congradulate my opponent on delivering such a pleasent park. It's actually kinda refreshing in h2h times... but still...

  • Junya Boy%s's Photo
    Tigers. I found it much more appealing. Its the style i like.
    Other park was alright, nice ideas, nice concepts. Just not appealing to me.

    Tigers got my vote.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    btw, without naming any names, I'm not the only person who thought it was blatantly obvious who at least one of the makers of Internet City was, right? :lol:
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    I think we all know who made Internet City as for KR I have my ideas but it's less obvious.
  • yeshli2nuts%s's Photo

    btw, without naming any names, I'm not the only person who thought it was blatantly obvious who at least one of the makers of Internet City was, right? :lol:

    You're right, as soon as I saw that one thing, it made it quite obvious.

    My vote went for Internet City. I'm a sucker for those huge amazing-idea wow factor fantasy parks. As nice as Kayte Ridge was, I just dont think it compares to the awesomenes of Internet City.
  • Xcoaster%s's Photo

    btw, without naming any names, I'm not the only person who thought it was blatantly obvious who at least one of the makers of Internet City was, right? :lol:

    Anyways, it should be about as obvious as with MSM who one of the parkmakers with this one was.

    Yeah, it was kick-in-the-crotch obvious.
  • NForce%s's Photo
    Is there a mirror for the park downloads somewhere yet? Since I'm one of those unlucky few that can't seem to get to Corkscrewed's site I'm looking for a little help. If someone could email them to me at n.force @, I'd appreciate it much. Of course, if the mirrors get posted soon, it would be moot.
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    Stranglove - Internet City
    Ferocious Tigers - Kayte Ridge


    Edited by chapelz, 21 July 2006 - 08:24 PM.