Screenshot / Mr. Twister
08-March 22
Mahoning Gardens
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- Comments 16
Unquestionably the crown jewel of Mahoning's, Mr. Twister was designed by John Allen and built by the Philadelphia Taboggan Company for the 1966 season. After a long winter's work and much modification from the original design, the ride finally opened to the public and immediately was declared to be one of the best Roller Coasters in the world.
Released from the station, you're greeted by a slow wide turn that brings you to the bottom of the 101ft first hill. Slowly dragged to the top, you can catch a quick view before you being rolling down a twisted dip into a right hand turn leading up to another crest. With just enough time to come to terms with what's next, you're tossed over the massive 90ft first drop rapidly approaching 50 miles per hour. You swing under a tight headchopper which will catch even the most experienced rides by surprise, before rising back up into a swigging right hand turn that tosses you around before dropping you back down over the bottom of the first drop. Next into a slight banked turn and quick hop before exiting parallel to the main drop structure. Up again up another hill before flattening out just to get a quick glimpse of the heart of Mr. Twister... the massive double helix. Slamming down the banking before rising back up again, and then around yet again in a seemingly endless turn, this is what truly sets Mr. Twister apart. Just when you think it will never stop, you exit the helix at the top of a crest before jumping back under some head choppers and a turn where you exit the structure. Then back down again, and through the structure and more turns, drops, hills, that somehow spit you back out next to the midway and screeching into the colorful station platform that you departed about 2 minutes ago.
This legendary ride is one you'll never forget.
Note: The park proper is 99% complete -
9 fans
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Amazing. Outside of sheer quality, this has so much more soul and atmosphere than your previous works. If this doesn't get spotlight then the panel was boofed or something. I just wish we got to see the double helix mentioned in the description.
Amazing layout, just the right combination of banked and unbanked turns to get the look right.
that is VERY pretty. i think it might be worth breaking up the black ground with some slightly different texture. not more plants, maybe just a qtile hight decrease like a little dip?
Love it. I can't wait for the release. I wasn't sure about the grey rock texture at first glance, but even though it makes the area very gray, I think it works well here.
Just under the top of the lift hill some support pieces are painted grey. Are those supposed to be grey instead of white or is that a mistake?
damn this park really do be beautiful outside
Fantastic, love the staff only paths/gates
My inner Knoebels-nerd is so happy.
ugh this is gorge. such a vibe.
One of my favorite layouts lately. Just fantastic all around.
Thanks for all the kind words and feedback guys. Glad that this is appealing despite its intentional uglyness.
It is intentional! Back in the days of painted wooden coasters, all the oil from the chain and gears would splatter at the top of the lift and certainly become noticeable over time, especially on white supports. You can see it pretty well on the left here:
So this is sort of my attempt at mimicking that and adding additional detail that would be unique to a park like this which probably wouldn't pay to repaint its rides every few years.
Talk about dirty American realism!
Oh wow that's nice
I loved it