Screenshot / Prairie Habitat


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • hoobaroo%s's Photo

    pretty flowers

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Not a huge fan of how you did the paths and architecture, a bit too bland for me. However the foliage is a real vibe. Very cool.

  • Turtle%s's Photo

    really nice foliage style, my favorite parts are the more blank areas near the walkway in the bottom left - i'd probably try and incorporate some of that into the main wildflower area too to have some lighter spots

  • J K%s's Photo

    Love the atmosphere on this screen. Foliage is great and good ride design as I've come to expect from you.

  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo
    Great coaster. I love the foliage. It's a fantastic screen overall. And I’m a sucker for single-wide paths in areas where nature is more of a focus. Reminds me of some of Mala’s work.
  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo

    I liked the vegetation, but the house was charming

  • Hex%s's Photo

    Nice stuff!


    I agree that the architecture is a tad on the bland side, but not bad at all.  Can you add a peep scene at the top of the tower? I think it's begging for something up there!

  • Version1%s's Photo

    Can you add a peep scene at the top of the tower? I think it's begging for something up there!


    It was released 2 months ago, so it would be tricky ;)

  • Hex%s's Photo




    It was released 2 months ago, so it would be tricky ;)


    AHEEEEE oops  

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