RCT Discussion / Apreciation Thread

  • VC15SA%s's Photo
    I know Rattler's drop was shortened for the rider's safety. I have heard of people who got injured on there, but I never had a problem. So I think they should have kept it. :D
  • Fatha'%s's Photo
    When Rattler opened at SFFT, it was the most (and still might be) terrifying rollercoaster I had ever been on. The drop wasn't the terrifying part, it was the ferocity at which it ran its course. The fan curve rattled the insides, and the helix was crushing. I seriously thought I might die when I first rode that thing. But yeah, now it sucks.

    Here are some pics of the old one....

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  • Phatage%s's Photo
    Ed, I consider that under satisfying the public, the fact that they'll do things for them as well as do things not to be sued by them, although I do agree that revolution is probably safer with no otsrs even though I've only ridden it with them. But then there they go and put lap bars on chiller and the other premier launchers, which really confuses me then. I don't know, it seems as though the only time the coaster is better is when its made more dangerous like the case I just mentioned, god I wish kk either had an inversion or lap bars but not neither.

    Btw any good recs of fiesta texas anywhere, I've always wanted to see an accurate Rattler but never could find one.
  • VC15SA%s's Photo
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    Ah, the helix. The worst part of the ride. It used to be a lot quicker through it until the shortening and the trim brakes right before it. And I agree with Fatha', it used to be very scary. Now it just gives me a guaranteed headache.

    Phatage, I have only seen one SFFT recreation. Well, 2. Check Coasternet. I know the RCT2 one is converted. I didn't think the Rattler was well done though. It would be killer if someone did a new one though... ;)
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    SFFT looks like such a cool park with those unique cliff walls. I've modeled a lot of my parks off of that park. I wonder though if parks are getting more safety conscious in recent years or if they're just getting more paranoid. I mean, if the ride has been safe up to this time, and it is inpsected regularly and properly maintained, shouldn't it continue to be safe?
  • Fatha'%s's Photo
    The issue that people had with the Rattle were neck whiplash injuries. I would assume since it was so rough back when it open that the violent jolts caused people injuries.
  • VC15SA%s's Photo

    The issue that people had with the Rattle were neck whiplash injuries.  I would assume since it was so rough back when it open that the violent jolts caused people injuries.

    Yeah, this is true. It was supposed to make it "more smooth and rider friendly." But honestly, it seems just as rough, maybe more? A member of my family rode it once and says his back has never been the same. Besides ruining the hill, they also had to add the stupid trim brake right before the helix. That just makes the whole thing slower through the helix. When Six Flags bought Fiesta Texas, that is when the changes started to happen to the Rattler...=/


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