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  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Didn't realise building in NCSO meant you had to build like you were in LL.

    It's nice, but those path rooves are messy and there is a whole load of unnecessary trackitecture IMO.
  • Wicksteed%s's Photo
    All the houses seem so isolated one from another. Looks cool anyway. And it's very recognisable as K0NG work, even without the brown. Great!
  • posix%s's Photo
    The white buildings look like an actual theme, and really great in fact. The rest is just all over the place and totally unrecognisable.
  • leonidas%s's Photo
    I agree with posix. Overall it reminds me of Greece, don't really know why.

    Something I'm working on:
    Posted Image
  • Milo%s's Photo
    reminds me of the spire from Half Life 2
  • Chillsons%s's Photo
    Is that Lord of the rings?
  • SSSammy%s's Photo

    reminds me of the spire from Half Life 2

    it looks just like the citadel. i just reinstalled that today. my favourite game. always inspires me to build in rct2.
  • 10ryansmith%s's Photo
    Timidly posts...

    Attached Thumbnails

    • Attached Image: SCR324.jpg
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    That's almost cool. But, I have this theory involving coaster elements within architecture...the riders aren't going to be able to enjoy it because their focus at that moment isn't going to be that blurry shit passing by them. And because of that, it needs to have a purpose from an external perspective. Which this doesn't. A few tweaks here and there and this could be pretty sweet though.

    Regarding the NCSO screen I posted..

    Didn't realise building in NCSO meant you had to build like you were in LL.

    It's nice, but those path rooves are messy and there is a whole load of unnecessary trackitecture IMO.

    Sarcasm duly noted.
    Oddly enough, I didn't realize that there were actual guidelines that dictate how anyone builds in any one game as compared to another. I don't play LL so...I'm pretty sure that I wasn't building like I was in LL. And, three instances of trackitecture where there's really no other option hardly seems "unnecessary" to me. Like I said, this is new to me and I'm experimenting as I go along.

    I don't have access to my laptop for about 4 weeks (it's back to HP for warrenty issues, motherboard broke down last night)

    This is why I will never again own anything that has the HP logo on it. They should have stuck with making copy machines. Everyone I know that has used HP machinery swears that they too, will never do so again if they have anything to say about it. Every manufacturer has their own issues though....that's why I'm building my own machine from the ground up. I'll get into details when I actually have the fucker up and running. It's a project that I've had going for about a year now. Grabbing pieces that I want when they're on sale and recycling as much as possible. Figure this beast will end up costing me a total of about $100 out-of-pocket.
  • leonidas%s's Photo
    Posted Image
  • Wicksteed%s's Photo
    Oha! Is this really RCT?
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    That looks like it was made with a 3d composer..
    I seem unable to see the RCT in that which, in my eyes, makes it an awesome rct screen :p
  • Xophe%s's Photo
    OMG that is ridiculous. In a good way.
  • Cena%s's Photo
    Never thought that ugly game called RCT3 would evolve this much. Still would like something like that as an RCT4.
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    Leo, every single screen you post is just...just, WOW.
  • trav%s's Photo
    RCT3 is only ugly when you get coasters involved.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    holy crap leonidas! that is not rct3.
  • Colorado-Fan%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    There's still a lot to do but I think it's worth showing now.
    I hope you like it ;)
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    amazing! but not 'mystery' in my eyes :p
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Very warm. I like it. :)


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