Pro Tour 3 / PT3 entries

  • Ling%s's Photo
    Okay, well, don't. (Sorry for this Emergo)
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    *cough*... Is it that hard to say "oh no, I'm not sure if I'll enter, could you please place me in the "maybe" list?"

    I don't really want to meddle in this, which is actually a very dumb argument IMO, but whatever, I couldn't help it. There's no need to respond in that way Jazz, don't make such a big deal of it, just ask her to put you on the correct list ;) Otherwise, well, this will happen...

    Edited by RCFanB&M, 25 July 2007 - 10:39 PM.

  • Metropole%s's Photo

    Can I be nominated for NE Pain in the Ass of the year? Don't deny it, I know what you're all thinking!

  • Emergo%s's Photo

    I'm quite aware of the purpose of this list Emergo, but your response is of no relevance to my original post. I was originally curious as to why you put me in the definitive list of the PT3, which I never even confirmed of. Infact, before my previous post in this thread, I haven't made any other posts in all of the other PT3 topics, including this thread regarding whether or not I would participate in this contest.

    Thus I'm now allowing you to place me in the correct list, which would be the "maybe" section.

    Languages, languages :lol:
    Due to mine I don´t get your last sentence completely I fear, but I think I can make out of it that you like to be placed in the maybe section ? (done)

  • Ling%s's Photo
    ^yes, but he was being a snobby little bastard too (the "thus I'm allowing you to" part)
  • disneylhand%s's Photo
    ^I think she has a grasp on the situation. After all, there were 6 different posts that basically said, "You're a meanie." It seems to me that she just tried to stay out of it all together, because Jazz has already been 'pwnd' enough already. Only Emergo can prove me right... and wrong. =)

  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    Ahhhh!, bad news, I'm not sure if'll be able to complete my entry. Could you please put me in the "maybe" list Sussane?
    Hope this "status" doesn't last much... :'(
  • Emergo%s's Photo
    ^ Done, Juan, and yes that´s bad news, I also hope I can switch you again soon....

  • Ling%s's Photo
    put me on the "maybe" list as well... if I don't like how my park looks in the next few days, I'm scrapping it, and don't know if I'll have time once I start over.

    Edited by Ling, 28 July 2007 - 10:56 AM.

  • Emergo%s's Photo
    ^ shifted you to he maybe-list, Ling.

    Hope I also soon can switch you back to the ´entering´ catagorie (don´t forget to tell in here!).......with this speed the maybe-list will soon be longer than the list of entries..... :lol:

    No problem either, the only thing that matters is the final amount of good entries that come in, and as there still is a lot of time......anything can still happen.....

    Emergo :D

    edit: just read that Kumba gave a bonus spot to Gwazi.
    So until we hear otherwise, he is added to the list with `people who are entitled to enter, but from whom we have not heard yet`
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Seeing as you say 'apart from any catastrophes', put me on the 'Will Enter' list. :)
  • Emergo%s's Photo

    Seeing as you say 'apart from any catastrophes', put me on the 'Will Enter' list. :)

    Sorry, Gwazi, was a bit busy, but you now are moved to the `Will enter` list.

    And what you said goes for everyone: being in the`Will Enter` list does just mean that you have the intention and will to go for an entry and think you can do it, not that this is a given fact....(for there´s RL that always can interfere on the, work, family, crashed computers etc.etc.etc......) so don´t be too hesitant you all and have you being switched to the `maybe` one....

    Wishing you building-fun and a great summer, in whatever list you are,

    Emergo :D
  • Ling%s's Photo
    Technically I should be on the "Going-to-enter" list, but I am doing stuff the rest of my summer, then a new school year starts, and I have had to scrap my entry because it wouldn't even come close to par with the other entries. I really want to make an entry, but unless it's stellar (by my standards) then I'm not submitting anything.
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    Weird reasoning.

    What happens if say...only 3 people may as well enter if you have something finished. Because you will inevitabely release it anyway, so you may as well have it released as part of a competition, probably get more downloads, thus more suggestions, praise etc etc etc, which I have an inkling, is what you are striving for.
  • CedarPoint6%s's Photo
    As much as I hate to say this, move me to the 'no' list, please.
    I've yet to start and I'm gonna be busy for a lot of the time we have to build. Since I'm already a slow builder, I can't see myself finishing. The other thing is that I'm just not feeling anything that could be up to a good quality standard right now. There is good news in this, however, in that I'm in the process of formulating a big new solo that will improve on a lot of the stuff I missed out on with WW. Things may change, but for now, expect a solo a little later next year, and not a PT.
  • Emergo%s's Photo
    Moved you, CP6.... :'(

    But a new solo is also worth looking forward to.. :biggrin:

  • Ling%s's Photo

    Weird reasoning.

    What happens if say...only 3 people may as well enter if you have something finished. Because you will inevitabely release it anyway, so you may as well have it released as part of a competition, probably get more downloads, thus more suggestions, praise etc etc etc, which I have an inkling, is what you are striving for.

    I don't want to look like I placed in 4th because only four people entered. And likewise I don't want to be last place (which at my current rate is where I'm quickly headed). If I get something going and can still finish it, it's likely I'll send it in.

    And trust me, I'm not looking for praise. That's something far out of my reach at a place like this.
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    You are, as are most people here. But I was more referring to the Suggestions and Downloads bit there as well.

    Also, with that mentality, why did you enter the prelims. And...more importantly. You're in the competition, the competition of the "elite". You have to have done something right. Don't worry what other people think, just enter. Unless of course you lack inspiratation, time etc. which also seems to be the case.
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Even if I don't finish, and even if it sucks really really bad, I'm still going to turn something in. Why? Because this quote urges me to:

    just because an entry finishes last doesnt really mean it is last. After all you were brave enough to submit something, and it IS better than all the ones that send nothing in at all

    Besides, even though a good spot demands that an entry be good and complete, it's possible that one could overpower the other...
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    Emergo, put me in the definately entering list please :idea:


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