Contests / The Next Contest

  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    I'll color you someone who says "colour".

    the more i think about h2h the more enticing it gets. mid-season-draft nonsense.. not so much.
    if teams are 10 players then just draft 15 to each team and let them cycle in reserves as need arises- replacement would be on a one-for-one basis- i.e. player x has done one park already but suddenly contracts pneumonia and is out for 6 weeks. player y from the reserve list can replace him but inherits all of his stats- that is, player y is considered to have 'already built' one park and can only do two more now. when/if player x recovers... too bad. he's already been subbed out.

    obvious issues include questionable reasons for subbing players out - if the reserve player is obviously a better choice than the main one, for instance. ["oh no, looks like poor ][22's schedule won't let him participate anymore. Guess we'll have to replace him with mala."]

    I realize this would be the point, but I think a mid-season draft breaks up the flow of the contest. wouldn't it also drag it on longer?
  • Milo%s's Photo
    MA you have a point but honestly even though H2H4 was probably the weakest season ever I can still probably list 5-8 parks that are among the best H2H parks.... a couple even being LL.

    So it's not that there won't be quality work at all.... just not every round. And honestly I think the last couple contests have shown (PT3 more so) that single contests don't offer much of a chance of a superior contest. imo a multi round contest offers a lot more chances for some quality work than another individual type thing.
  • Micool%s's Photo

    Simpler the better. Colour me a pessimist, but people have been signing up for contests and not turning shit in for as long as the the site has been around. It's only gotten worse as our parks get more detailed and complex. If you're looking to get any kind of quality work, this multi round type of contest isn't your answer.

    I'm with smawt goy heeyah
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    I still think h2h is the best contest period... Yeah it fell apart last time... So did every other big contest of late.

    The captains should put a bigger emphasis on choosing active members of the community and teams should put an emphasis on FINISHING parks rather than building 25% completed masterworks.

    Everything has really slowed to a crawl because we insist on such a high level of detail. Not to say that standards should go back to where the were when I first joined or anything...

  • Comet%s's Photo
    I think if only provenly active parkmakers were chosen as captains, such as CP6, gee, RCTNW, Kumba, or RRP, it would work fine
    As long as spots are given out to the active people, not the most over the top skilled people, which in some cases are the same people, I don't see why another H2H wouldn't work

    I think we could get all completed parks on the level of say zodiac, or robbie92, instead of 20% complete on the level of Fatha' etc
    Which in my opinion is preferrable
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    ^That's what I'm talking about!

    Additionally... I think we should allow non-participating captains... Posix, for example, would make great team captain, but I can't seem him building much.

    Not sure how to balance the "talent vs. productivity" thing... X-sector for example, disappeared at different points during BOTH of the last two H2H seasons. Though he came through where he had to in H2h3 for the Flying Germans. He's back again but I'd say he's "draft at your own risk"... Same goes for RRP really. Not hating on these guys, they're both among my all time favorite parkmakers and have created and released parks I'm still striving to match, but they're not necessarily 100% reliable.

    RCT is an art. We get builders block just like authors get writing block. It happens.

  • Milo%s's Photo
    well if a h2h happens I may or may not participate due to my lack of reliability

    But whatever I do I'll find time to do some Weekly Sports Center recaps and such if I can ;)
  • nin%s's Photo
    Any progress in this department?
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Me wants H2H5.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    weekly micros
  • zodiac%s's Photo

    Me wants H2H5.

  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo

    Any progress in this department?

    Give the admins a break, they just got done with the awards

    It's not like Posix and Gee are getting paid.

    Edited by Midnight Aurora, 17 February 2009 - 09:46 PM.

  • disneylhand%s's Photo
    ^What's wrong with asking? It's not like he's demanding anything.

  • posix%s's Photo
    actually, i think ma is right, but gee and i have come to accept that many people see this site as an "entertainment service", and we're fine with that, because people give back to us, too. just sometimes it can be a little stressful.

    some plan:
    - get out award winner sigs (most of them are done by now, i'm aiming at sending pms to the winners tonight)
    - prep some releases (else we feel bad about making people wait too long until their stuff comes out)
    - talk some secret stuff :p
    - talk new contest at that, too.

    what i have in mind is to do a poll asking you whether you want an individual or team contest. and then get more concrete.

    i had a new contest idea myself the other day but i'm not sure about the response: "complete scenario x. winner is who, overall, spends the least money". so people would have to find strategies to beat game in innovative ways. goes back to the "real" rct, not the parkmaking thing we are all doing, so i'm not terribly sure if it'd be wanted. drop me some thoughts.
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    I like where you're going with this. I'd be more apt to do a contest where the winner is decided based on company value. Company value is based on current cash and your loan, so whoever has the best management skills would be the winner. And no custom objects. I've noticed that a small custom object will add to the excitement of a ride in the same way that a large piece of in-game scenery will. We could also give out awards for the most appealing park, or the most functional park. Layouts are important, and peeps will get lost if you don't plan your park accordingly.

    Nice idea, though.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    that, is a very nice idea Fullmetal. id follow you with that one

    Edited by SSSammy, 18 February 2009 - 10:58 AM.

  • Ride6%s's Photo
    I'd be up for some scenario based stuff... Particularly if it was just supposed to be within the span of the scenario (1 year, 3 years, etc) because that way it wouldn't burn up that much time... Though it could stifle creativity...

  • RRP%s's Photo
    Wouldnt it be impossible to prove that people werent cheating?For example if it was a time based conest i.e 3/4 rct years then i could build what i wanted and move time back
  • posix%s's Photo
    yeah, cheats are indeed a problem. not sure if there's a way to "detect" when someone cheated.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Im on the H2H bandwagon, but if not that I really want to see a team contest, or at least something were you work with others after the last two contests were solo.


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