Contests / The Next Contest

  • Xcoaster%s's Photo
    I think the scenario idea would be fun, but it seems like a smaller scale contest than most people are expecting. But I think I'd do it, if it wasn't too time intensive. I'd say about 10 years in game would be good.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    I know on the incredibly old school contests (circa 2000-2001 @ the Station), the scenario competitions were always based on who completed the scenario, and then those were judged to see who had the best.
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    Wouldnt it be impossible to prove that people werent cheating?For example if it was a time based conest i.e 3/4 rct years then i could build what i wanted and move time back

    I realized this... I didn't figured I'd mention it. I'd probably build my coasters in the coaster builder and import them to save time so, I suppose, fair enough. I don't know...

    Im on the H2H bandwagon, but if not that I really want to see a team contest, or at least something were you work with others after the last two contests were solo.

    I really want h2h5 more than any other contest.

  • Camcorder22%s's Photo
    ^I remember a couple years ago one of my friends was saying he could edit a save game file to edit key functions, such as disallowing the alt-tab function to prevent trainer use. Don't know what happened to that guy...but I guess its possible, if he wasn't bullshitting me.

    But still I would prefer a H2H5, always wanted to work with a team again since SS2 at RCPro was a lot of fun, even though it had its share of problems. Wish I could be a team captain too...need some leadership experience to put on college apps. Virtual architecture creation team leader would sound pretty good on an application.
  • nin%s's Photo

    Virtual architecture creation team leader would sound pretty good on an application.

    You do realize this is a game where you create roller coasters, rides, shops, etc., not just architecture... :p

    But I'm with the rest of the group. As cool as some of these concepts seem, h2h5 is the way to go.
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    God, any contest is fine with me...

    The only one that happened since I joined has been PT3, I think, and I was too late for prelims. I would love to be part of a contest here, and I think H2H would be really fun, for me, at least.
  • Comet%s's Photo

    Me wants H2H5.

  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    yeah Cam, all the colleges will be looking for a team leader for a video game...

    i personally don't care what contest is next, i'd like any of them.
  • Camcorder22%s's Photo
    I think someone said weekly micros as an idea, but I cant find the quote at the moment. This actually seems like a pretty good idea, maybe not weekly though. Since the problem with MM was people lost interest, as did I to a point building 5 of them. But if there was a weekly/monthly one, maybe each with a specific theme, there would be a good amount of new parks that are relatively quick to make and don't require long term dedication. But I still hope for a major contest such as H2H5.

    And Gwazi, my comment was 90% bad joke and 10% srs bsns. I went to Berkeley and they gave an admissions speech and the woman talking actually said someone put video game team leader as a valid leadership qualification. But Im still not about to put that on a college app, as it looks like an unproductive use of time no matter what it is.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    Since I've never been involved in any contests here to date...

    I'm just going to say that I'm game for ANYTHING.

    And, that if it involves being on a team....

    Team 'leaders' would be foolish to not consider me as a
    viable contributor.

    True...I rarely post here but, some people know what I'm
    capable of.

    Just throwing my name out to anyone interested.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    as was mine
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    If you're looking to get any kind of quality work, this multi round type of contest isn't your answer.

    I find this reply funny now.
    edit: So is this reply, crap! I though MA said 'a multi round type of contest' instead of 'this multi round type of contest'... But actually I was referring to some other replies too.

    As for the next contest: I'd say, no contests till 2010. Then Micro Madness 2, a few months rest, and then a big contest again like Pro Tour IV or H2H6.

    Micro Madness was great fun last time, and it's a great opportunity for inactive parkmakers to once again show their qualities!

    Edited by Liampie, 21 July 2009 - 06:52 PM.

  • Wanted%s's Photo
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    H2H6 in 2011 please?

    other than that couldn't care less about the next contest.
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    let me finish my solo first. please?
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    Finish that shit homie

    Edited by Wanted, 21 July 2009 - 10:40 PM.

  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Suprise suprise, the day the contest ends, this topic is bumped.

    A nice refreshing break from contests would be nice, although Micro Madness II towards the end of the year would be lovely.
  • 5dave%s's Photo
    I wanna FIESTA!

  • Louis!%s's Photo
    OMG YES.

    We haven't had one for sooooooooooooooooooooo long <3 <3 <3
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    Yeah, Fiesta sounds nice!
    Then a break, so people can finish up some solo's *coughepwscough*, then the thing posix & co are cooking up and then PT4/H2H6 setting up/High Rollers/Micro Madness..

    Maybe a PT4 with duo parks, or group parks (5 parkmakers or something) would be neat!!



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