General Chat / Aurora Shooting

  • Casimir%s's Photo

    Holmes had legally purchased the firearms at local gun shops over the last 60 days, Oates told reporters at a Friday evening press conference. He had also ordered over 6,000 rounds of ammunition and multiple magazines over the internet, including a 100-round drum magazine for the rifle.

  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    he supposedly had 2 glock handguns a smith & wesson assault rife and a 12 gauge shotty.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    I personally believe in the right to carry a concealed weapon. However, I think that the restrictions placed on what those weapons are should be massively altered. You don't need a 12 gauge or an AR-15 to defend yourself. You're not going to get invaded by the Russian army (unless you live in Alaska and do something to really piss them off). No, if you really need to use a weapon it's going to be because of one or two intruders, which a pistol can easily handle. Our culture, honestly, makes it hard to do completely ban guns. Especially since that would be simply impossible to enforce. But it would be more doable (relatively speaking) if we simply increased restrictions on gun laws so that not anyone can carry around several large-caliber weapons into a movie theater.

    We also need more intense gun training. It's just too easy for someone to see a gun and immediately draw and shoot, when for all the know the guy holding the gun could have already wrestled it out of the actual assailant's hands.

    Guns aren't going away from America, but time and time again acts of extreme violence prove a need for us to make some changes. Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, the Giffords shooting, etc all come to mind as clear examples.
  • dr dirt%s's Photo

    This guy legally bought 4 firearms and (according to the radio station) 6000 bullets.
    Americans, get your act together. Now.

    Shut the fuck up. Availability of firearms has nothing to do with what happened. Someone who's gonna do something like this is getting the weapons legally or illegally.
  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    . Availability of firearms has nothing to do with what happened. Someone who's gonna do something like this is getting the weapons legally or illegally.

  • 5dave%s's Photo
    ^Of course it has.

    Or do you want to tell me it's easier for a 'normal' middle-class guy with no criminal background whatsoever to get these weapons illegally from criminals or legally from the internet?
    I'm glad there are strict weapon laws in my country. People that are mentally ill get either help or they kill themselves and not others.

  • dr dirt%s's Photo
    Sure its easier. But he's still gonna get the guns. Still gonna kill people.

    Besides that why should a "normal middle-class guy with no criminal background whatsoever" not be aloud to buy guns? What if the situation changes and he kills an intruder and saves his life and possibly others? Still want to make it harder to get that gun?
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    I agree with dave on the fact 'let them just kill themselves' without conflicting harm to others.

    But something else guys, why is there so much argue amongst each other right now?
    Every country or state has there own rules regarding firearms.
    Let's not fight each other about that, it's just the way it is.
    And like said before ,if some nut is planning a hit ,he'll get his firearm one way or the other.
  • 5dave%s's Photo
    Sure it's good to defend your family and blablabla, but the more shootings there are in the USA, the more I think that the number of people killed in a shooting surpass the number of intruders that get killed while trespassing.

    So yes, it should be harder to get a gun.

  • Casimir%s's Photo
    Can we seriously not keep all the fuck you's out of this very thread? Is that really the place NE has become?
  • dr dirt%s's Photo
    Depends on whether or not we're gonna blame this on U.S. policy and Americans in general.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    I'm gonna do just that. If you want to feel personally offended by me criticizing the NRA's overall lobbying power, so be it. Should you be offensive towards anyone with that opinion, while knowing that some nutjob was able to acquire 4 guns and 6000 individual pieces of ammunition without ANY obstacles whatsoever and destroy the lives of at least 58 families? Nope.
  • dr dirt%s's Photo
    Jesus. I mean this situation would've been so much better if the guy had some obstacles to get the guns and ammunition? I guess we should start doing background checks on knives because someone can harm or kill another person with those too.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    Well, let's.
  • verti%s's Photo
    Here's the thing though; the theater had banned all firearms.. Which meant that the only person firing them was the lunatic who didn't feel like obeying any rules. If you draw this parallel to a larger scale - say, gun control laws; you may understand why people are wanting to use their constitutional rights.

    America does have a problem with shootings, I give you that much; but that's more of a cultural issue than a law-related one. Look at Switzerland, guns are almost as easily available as they are in the USA, and yet nobody is going on shooting sprees there.
  • Camcorder22%s's Photo
    If any of you think someone else with a gun would've been able to kill a guy with a bulletproof vest, riot mask in a dark theatre where tear gas had been set off, without injuring or killing anyone else, well...I don't know what to say to you.

    And yes it is a cultural issue. Look at some of eager to kill him in a belief it will solve our problems or at least carry out some sort of revenge. He may have been crazy, but he is a product of our society like everyone else and each of us is to blame.
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Try this in Texas, you'd get fucked up fast. Lots of people here carry, legally. I don't carry a gun, but I do carry a 700 Lumen flashlight, and that would light up a room the size of a theater no problem. I would hazard to guss that most people who carry a gun carry similair torchs. Getting shot, even wearing a bullet proof vest, is going to knock you back a little bit. Your finger will come of the trgger, and the bad guy suddenly has a new priority, protecting himself vs shooting innocent people. I've never seen a video of someone getting shot wearing a riot helmet buuuut Im pretty sure the results would be incapacitating. He also had his apartment rigged with explosives and those are illegal.

    I'd rather be allowed to carry a gun and have my enemy be able to have on to then me following the rules and not carrying one and my enemy being able to have one illegally...

    I admit I'm biased, I work for a comany that makes gun sight and systems for police, so if guns got banned I might lose my job. And, I live in Texas.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    What a very American idea, that someone else in the theater with a gun could have solved the whole situation. John McClain, unfortunately, wasn't at the theater.
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    ^It's surprising how close your username is to this accident. I don't mean anything by this, purely coincidence.

    My prayers are with the families victimized. It's terrible how a place of such enjoyment became a place of such terror for these people. Christopher Nolan has released a statement about the shooting via his FB pages:

    "Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of The Dark Knight Rises, I would like to express our profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community.

    I would not presume to know anything about the victims of the shooting but that they were there last night to watch a movie. I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime.

    The movie theatre is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me.

    Nothing any of us can say could ever adequately express our feelings for the innocent victims of this appalling crime, but our thoughts are with them and their families."

    - Christopher Nolan

    Also, the Red Carpet Premier in Paris was canceled due to this tragedy. It's nice to see people in all walks of life are sympathetic.


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