General Chat / Graduation Thread

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    I think the entertainment sector is just as important.


    I wouldn't be able to function without having the entertainment industry there to chill out from the stress of everyday life.


    And technically, education is also not vital to life. Anyhoo :p

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    i mean, entertainment does stave off sanity and other things and is definitely a pleasure i wouldn't want to live without, but if there was one thing that one can take out of his/her life with the less amount of damage done, it would be that. education, though not directly vital to life, is equally as important because without it we're far less advanced in every other area/sector.

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    I would rather remove my education than my entertainment :p

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    i'd much rather be educated than to rewatch my jersey shore re-runs every time they come up.

  • robbie92%s's Photo

    You say that now before college...


    *Marathons another show on Netflix*

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    you can learn a lot from entertainment.


    you can't be entertained by education.


    well, you can, but its ultimately not as fun.

  • inthemanual%s's Photo
    That's a negative attitude Lou... LEARNING IS FUN!!!!!!
  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    if you could list weed, alcohol, adderall, sleep, and netflix in the order of importance for college, how would you?

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    If I can't have fun I'll throw myself off a cliff. No entertainment, no Liampie! Works the other way around too. No Liampie, no entertainment.
  • Steve%s's Photo

    Entertainment is almost a more lucrative career than anything going to college will get you. It's really mostly due to the internet. I mean, how many people actually make a LIVING from YouTube? A lot. Kim Kardashian became well known through the internet, even if it was basically through the porn industry...Buzzfeed and similar sites also employee people from what I understand to have little to no degree in the field (except for maybe serious news reporting here and there). Basically, getting famous takes about as much effort and time (or none at all) as going to college does at fractions of the cost. It's ridiculous and concerning, but I find it's the world we live in now.

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    Except the people who get rich off entertainment are few and far between, especially compared to the number of people who make a living engineering the websites that got those people famous. Buzzfeed, pornhub, Youtube were all made by groups of people most of whom have college degrees in web design, computer science, or something similar.  


    Entertainment only exists because we live in a world of suitable luxury enough to enjoy it. That luxury exists because we have suitable amounts of ingenuity and innovation in our means of survival. Those innovations come from education.

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    itm on point

  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo

    Entertainment is almost a more lucrative career than anything going to college will get you. It's really mostly due to the internet. I mean, how many people actually make a LIVING from YouTube? A lot. Kim Kardashian became well known through the internet, even if it was basically through the porn industry...Buzzfeed and similar sites also employee people from what I understand to have little to no degree in the field (except for maybe serious news reporting here and there). Basically, getting famous takes about as much effort and time (or none at all) as going to college does at fractions of the cost. It's ridiculous and concerning, but I find it's the world we live in now.

    You've got a sample size problem there.  For every successful YouTube personality, there are hundreds trying to make a living at it and failing.  Just like all the talented bands on the road not making money while Imagine Dragons somehow gets rich. Fuck Imagine Dragons.

    I think it's simpler to say that almost nobody is getting rich these days, regardless of their profession. Those who strike gold in the entertainment industry are more publicly accessible than the average stock broker making as much, though.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    Haha I'm loving this comeback
  • Lotte%s's Photo

    the central exams started today in the netherlands, with Dutch for VWO and Economics for HAVO. after less than half a day there's already 26.000 complaints, mostly about the Dutch exam. there's probably around 200.000 people taking it each year. us dutchmen like to complain a lot.

  • Steve%s's Photo

  • Austin55%s's Photo

    I can't take anything seriously from someone who looks like a Batman villain. 


    Edit-Please don't take this comment word for word. I did watch and listen to the video. There are some points in there for sure. 

  • Steve%s's Photo

    Fair enough, but he's not completely wrong, either.

  • Coupon%s's Photo

    steve why do you have such a grudge against higher education?

  • Steve%s's Photo
    I have my reasons but it's mostly the entire educational system I have a problem with. This isn't the best venue to discuss that cause this the graduation thread, after all. Despite my cynicism I truly applaud anyone who graduates high school or college. I don't deny that it's rough going usually, so good job to all who make it through!


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