General Chat / Graduation Thread

  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    I must be one of the few who actually enjoys school, idk. I also think there's some merit to being in that environment as a whole, it seems to foster people really exploring new ideas and self-learning. Uni is the only place you won't be teased for carrying around a copy of the communist manifesto :p

    That said i didn't watch the video, on mobile atm. If the argument is an equal opportunity one or a conformity one, i think there's solutions to those besides abandoning the entire system. Or maybe it's talking about high school? Idk, dont rule out future educational experiences because high school sucks
  • Faas%s's Photo
    I think the biggest mistake that guy's high school made is forget to teach him not to make that shitty video. My high school was awesome and I learned tons of shit. Most important thing were social skills so I had friends who I could hang out with in my free time instead of "rapping" about how pointless high school is.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    What a dumb person.
  • MorganFan%s's Photo
    If you don't know your rights, fucking learn your rights and be a decent citizen.
  • Austin55%s's Photo

    So, this happened at Tulane. 



  • Steve%s's Photo

    If you don't know your rights, fucking learn your rights and be a decent citizen.

    I feel like you missed the point, it's the fact that there are actual human rights and schools don't teach them. Personally I feel like that's something you should learn in high school. The general gist of the video is that there are things essential that you need to know in your adult life that school doesn't prepare you for. I know mine didn't. I had a personal finance class in high school but it was actually cut during the semester I had it. It was supposed to teach you how to balance your check book and the basics of doing your taxes and stuff. This is one of the many things I dislike about education: they rather teach you ridiculous algebra equations instead of how to accurately manage finances or do a budget.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    Algebra is beautiful no one diss algebra

    Weve been looking at functions in two variables in uni, such sexy graphs. #datflow
  • gir%s's Photo

    To some degree, school is really about learning how to learn and think critically than learning the material itself. This becomes increasingly true as you advance further into higher education, but I believe this shows up at all levels of education. The two examples that really resonate with me are learning proofs in high school geometry and learning any programming language. Both had a large impact on the way I approached problems, technical or otherwise.

  • Lotte%s's Photo

    so what is everybody going to do next year?


    I won't be graduating until next year but i need to make my descision soon, I'm currently on the fence between International Business Administration and Econometrics. the competition for these is high though, but I think i've got what it takes. probably either at the University of Amsterdam or at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, studying abroad or at Utrecht is also an option for me

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Why the hurry gdb? You have a year left...

    I'd go to Amsterdam, by the way. Just because it's a lovely place.
  • Louis!%s's Photo

    I graduate in a year (just finishing Year 2) but I'm just finishing up Level 1 in British Sign Language, and will start Level 2 soon, so next year i'll be done with my degree and Level 2 BSL.


    After that, who knows whether I'll persue architecture or carry on with sign language. I know which I am more passionate about and which will get me more money ultimately, so yeah. I don't really know haha it's a year away, I'll focus on now :p

  • Lotte%s's Photo
    Why the hurry gdb? You have a year left...

    I'd go to Amsterdam, by the way. Just because it's a lovely place.


    most universities look at this year's grades to determine wether someone is fit or unfit. the bachelors program I want to get into (International Business Administration) for example demands that you have an avarage of 7.0 across all subjects (and math, economics, management&organisation, and english in specific). I live up to those demands (7.3 avarage i think, 7.6 avarage for the subjects you need a specific grade in), but I can't help but feel like I won't get admitted since roughly 1/4 of all native students get a spot.


    Maybe I worry about this too much, but who knows 

  • Casimir%s's Photo

    After that, who knows whether I'll persue architecture or carry on with sign language. I know which I am more passionate about and which will get me more money ultimately, so yeah.



    Awesome to hear that you'll stick with sign language!

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    Haha I love that you knew which of the two I was referring to :p

  • Coupon%s's Photo

    I graduated from high school recently yay


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