Dixi%s's Photo
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  • Buy a legal copy.

    Sorry, couldn't resist. :D
  • Hi mate,

    I like the monster truck ride, its got a cool 'secluded' feel to it.
    The coaster layout is a traditional yet incredibly boring out and back.

    Apart from that, theres not really much to comment on. This is incredibly raw content.
  • RCTycoons?

    Now there's no need for racism.
  • Now that is a name I would take notice of :lol:
  • I agree, they've really done a great job with this.

    It got me thinking about the ways other countries save people from certain death...

    USA: Throw a grenade at them
    UK: Give them a house.
    France : Surrender to them
    Greece: Take out a high-interest loan, use it to take out a bigger loan.
    Germany: Kill everyone else.
    Arab nations: Throw various methods of transport at them.
    African nations: Start a civil war.
    China: Make an identical copy of them breeding.
    Japan: Make an identical robotic copy of them.
    India: Make a very poor copy of them which is falling apart, and is covered in dirt.
    North Korea: Bury them underground, blame South Korea.
    South Korea: Play Starcraft.

    Joke courtesy of sikipedia. :mantis:

    Seriously though, I take my hat off to their government and people. If this happened over here it would be inquest, finger pointing, the end of the world, and the dudes probably would still be down there. *pat on the back* to Chile.


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