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  • dude, he was fucking joking.

    hey little girl you need to calm down, that language is not a good look.
  • If what you say is correct then surely this just shows that its best to be good friends with many people in the community instead of bitching and whining and causing conflict with everyone.

    Sorry, I already graduated high school years ago. I don't need to be in a "click" to feel empowered. I'm pretty sure you can't use the word "everyone" there, see it looks like since you have all this power that you feel like you can speak for everyone when that's just not true. I'm sure everyone has opinions and they're not all the same as yours. Now do yourself a favor and just accept the fact that you & others, give their "favorites" the extra 10% buddy vote, don't try to turn this on me when I'm just pointing out the obvious, which was

    If Louis name was on this instead of BelgianGuy's, Do you honestly think Airtime would of voted 65%

    I would believe he would of voted upper 80s-90s if your name was on this. He voted 85% on SSSammy's Desgin and that was BARE,NO THEME and yet he somehow sums this design up with 65%?

    Also I think its very interesting, these designs & parks are suppose to represent us as builders, you slamming BG because he doesn't take YOUR ideas(because that's just what they are) its ridiculous! Its one thing to help him try to execute a hack, its another trying to change the way HE builds, this is HIS creation. If he doesn't wanna take your idea, he shouldn't have to worry about you docking 10-20% off your vote because your idea wasn't used in HIS creation.

    I also find that when giving feedback to BG, he rarely takes it on board, this isn't why I voted lower, but had he taken those suggestions on board, the design would look better in my eyes and therefore I would've voted higher. This is up to him whether he wants to take feedback or not, but generally I find that the more feedback you listen to, the better your score.

    good job contradicting yourself.
  • I wasn't trying to prove there's a conspiracy and didn't mean to cause a uproar, ALL I'm saying is, if Louis had his name on this instead of BelgianGuy, do you honestly think Airtime would voted the bare minimum.
  • Can those with RCT2 explain why this only scored 80%? I'm curious because the overview looks phenomenal.

    Probably because they didn't like the theme.

    But one thing I thought was funny was Airtime voted 85% for a LL creation that was just so bare and boring(but technique was good and the coaster was nicely planned out, but still no 85%, thats 15% from perfect) and yet here's a master piece with a nice well themed area and a nice realistic coaster and yet gives it the bare minimum.
    (just put it this way, pierrot, who I(and some otheres) consider a LL god, probably one of the most talented minds and creationist when it comes to LL, voted 25% on SSSammy's design)

    The only thing I can think of is some of the panel may feel that they have personal obligations towards certain members.

    Very interesting, SSSammy & Airtime & Louis!

    Maker: SSSammy
    Classi Bullet:
    Louis & Airtime voted the highest

    Maker Louis & Airtime
    Bolt: http://www.nedesigns...park/2056/bolt/
    SSSammy voted the highest

    Maker Airtime & Louis
    Inferno: http://www.nedesigns...k/2153/inferno/
    SSSammy voted the highest

    Maker Louis
    Great Escape Colorado: http://www.nedesigns...scape-colorado/
    Airtime voted the highest

    Maker Louis
    Viper: http://www.nedesigns...ark/1590/viper/
    SSSammy voted the highest

    Funny one
    Maker: Pierrot
    Adelaar: http://www.nedesigns...k/2157/adelaar/
    Lowest votes: Louis & Airtime

    just thought it was kind of cute :p/>/>/>

    Not saying you guys are cheating, just saying because of your guy's relationship, maybe you hold each other down at a lower standard and maybe give each other the 10% extra buddy vote :p/>
  • "The coaster doesn't work, so I'm unable to judge it."


    I would of voted that same tbh


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