Screenshot / Zaccanapoli IV
- 19-March 21
- Zaccanapoli
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- Comments 8
The last time we visited, the carnavale season was in full swing. It's been a couple years now, and since we're out of season, the streets have probably taken back their usual look. I also hear the freshly painted roofs from then must now have taken a more sober, darker hue.
Can we visit again? We didn't take enough wine back with us last time. I can already hear the church bells toll from behind the hill. - Full-Size
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6crazy6king6 Offline
This is amazing, Zis! Really nice. I really love the building with the solar panels on it and the white one with the blue awning.
I think that the 2 big buildings in the middle can use some more details, some balconies or random hanging planters. Maybe you can also add some more chimneys on the roofs
RWE Fan Offline
Have seen this a million times now, but still manages to blow my mind.
Lotte Offline
Looks great, beige building in the middle stands out a bit. I'd either use a different texture or add some details.
posix Offline
Should've been in Grand Tour. Nice work.
ottersalad Fan Offline
Hell yeah love seeing more of this. Good to see you back Zisc
Ziscor Offline
Thanks a lot guys! I'm hoping the simpler big buildings will make sense in context of the whole map, because a majority of areas are very dense and detailed. I'll try experimenting to find a balance.
Hit many firsts with this section, like big purpose buildings that aren't small hotels/restaurants/cafes; roads; etc. Still struggling to make things look natural, but hoping it'll get there. Or at least close enough to there.
FredD Offline
Louis! Offline