General Chat / Another mall shootout (Oregon/Portland)

  • Wanted%s's Photo

    Wanted, you answered your own argument. guns are here and they're not going away. if a law were to go in place, a good amount of people would give up their guns... ultimately giving criminals a leg up.

    Yeah... which is really unfortunate :'(
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    A golf club behind my front door is all i need. Most criminals carry blades in the UK especially in scotland. So if you have the balls to enter my house with your 5 inch knife and im sitting with a metal golf club. bring it on. But in the US. I wouldn't be saying bring it on so much. Most people from europe cant really say so much, guns arent legal here. Out of the 300-350 million americans probably 10 in 300-350 million people commit these crazy acts. each year for eg..... Its part of the culture and history of the USA. It wouldn't be right to take away the right to bear arms just because a few idiots each year go on the rampage. Im against guns myself, but thats because i was brought up in a country were gun crime is almost non existant, sure it would be great if american was majority gun free, but thats not going to happen without education. if you live in a house with smokers your more likely to smoke... if you live in a house with guns your more likey to own one yourself. If you stop, the next generation is more likely to. Anyway feel sorry for the innocent people caught up in this and the familys but shit happens.
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    I don't think a lot of Europeans realize that guns aren't just hoarded for protection (or crime) here, but they are also a serious pastime. People spend a lot of time at gun ranges or hunting.
    It'd be like banning baseball bats because they are weapons.
  • RCT2day%s's Photo
    I think this would be an appropriate video:

    But seriously, my sympathy goes out to the families of the victims of this shooting.
  • RMM%s's Photo

    Also for your specific example, why do you assume the noise in the other room is a robber? It couldn't possibly be anyone or anything else? Go ahead and shoot first, the law is on your side. Just as long as you can live with killing your landlord or your mom coming to check up on you because you didn't answer your phone.

    the specific example was specific. somebody is robbing you.

    this isn't candy land we live in. it's the real world. people rob people for next to nothing. people kill people for no reason. it happens and i am absolutely positive that, given a certain situation, you would rather have protection than to just hope it's your mother on the other side of the door with a hug and not a stranger with cold knife to your gut.

    ... although sometimes i would rather be knifed in the gut than to talk to my mother.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo

    it happens and i am absolutely positive that

    fuck off, no you aren't

    for all you know i'm a quaker
  • Louis!%s's Photo

    I don't think a lot of Europeans realize that guns aren't just hoarded for protection (or crime) here, but they are also a serious pastime. People spend a lot of time at gun ranges or hunting.
    It'd be like banning baseball bats because they are weapons.

    Ummm...a lot of people here spend time at gun ranges, I know several people that go shooting for sport and know a lot of people who own guns. Shooting as a pastime is not an American thing and doesn't explain why American gun crime is so high compared to places like the UK and Europe.

    I'm not getting into ths discussion as I don't fully understand the laws etc etc so I'm not gonna argue about something I don't have full knowledge of, but I justvwantedvto point out that that reasoning was shit lol
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo

    Nope. No story here. I guess every elementary schooler should carry a gun now to protect themselves. Anyone ready to admit a conversation needs to be had yet?

    *Edited in a working link...
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    Fucking hell at least 27 dead including children
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    What do we do about situations like this? Make everyone have guns? Will that save all these children?
  • gir%s's Photo
    Jesus. :(
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    I think this must have something to do with the supposed 12/21/12 apocalypses coming up next week. These morons think the world is going to end and that they have nothing to lose. There was a similar motivation with Columbine. The gunmen assumed the world was going to end less than a year later due to Y2K.

    We seriously need to ban everything that is not a small handgun. That's all you need to protected yourself.
  • Wanted%s's Photo

    I think this must have something to do with the supposed 12/21/12 apocalypses coming up next week. These morons think the world is going to end and that they have nothing to lose. There was a similar motivation with Columbine. The gunmen assumed the world was going to end less than a year later due to Y2K.

    We seriously need to ban everything that is not a small handgun. That's all you need to protected yourself.

    1. No this was a father of a kid there. Nothing about 12/21/12
    2. The gunman had two small handguns. How would handguns protect the children in this situation? Give guns to the kids? To the teachers? What kind of world is this?
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Just so disgusting. Really, there are no words other than its utterly mind blowing that a person can be deranged enough to do something like this. Hits close to home too, since its barely a couple hours from me and I even have a friend in the area there. Thoughts are with them and everyone involved.
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    Darren, 12/21/12 is just a reset of the Mayan calander AKA Mayan New Years. It has nothing to do with this.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    And after the movie 2012 I am sure no one is worried about that... really, it's not mentally stable people we are talking about. I can debunk every 12/21/12 theory, but it seems like there are people out there that are likely thinking they are about to die anyways. I don't know that for a fact, but the timing makes it to unlikely that it's just a coincidence.

    Also I did not know the guy used handguns. I don't like watching this stuff on TV. Speaking of TV, the media is a huge problem with these shootings. If they ever want this to end they need to stop naming the gunmen and giving any info on them on TV, that just encourages them.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Shootings popping up everywhere! We need more guns!
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    Apparently there was a man with a knife at a chinese school yesterday. 22 wounded So yeah, guns don't kill people, people do. Now look at the 2 events of the past two days. One has 27 deaths. The other has 22 wounded. Big fucking difference. Fuck guns. Fuck people who defend guns.
  • gir%s's Photo
    I've never understood those who stand by the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" argument. They're completely missing the point.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo

    I don't think a lot of Europeans realize that guns aren't just hoarded for protection (or crime) here, but they are also a serious pastime. People spend a lot of time at gun ranges or hunting.
    It'd be like banning baseball bats because they are weapons.


    After some googling I found this:
    Six facts about guns, violence, and gun control

    But also this:
    Harvard study to homicide

    So it seems like more availability to guns leads to more homicide, and crazy things like this.. I can't believe people in America still don't realize their idiotic gun law leads to people growing up with guns and then don't even realize what harm it can do and see it as "part of their normal/every day lives", while firearms apparently aren't.

    Anyway, I know it's just those lunatics doing these things and they could've done it even if there wasn't a gun law, but it's still a silly law..
    I saw a video of guy wearing firearms in the open waiting for cops to hold him, and then to fall back on the gun law and the right to wear certain types of firearms in the open.. That proved what a silly law it is to me really.. Here's some more on youtube: Open carry
    I think this kind of moral is pretty disturbing.. At least the police don't accept it (in most cases).


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