Screenshot / Tula


  • posix%s's Photo

    Yes, finally.


    Wonderful colours. Liampie-esque. Composition is a bit questionable, but that's probably just the screen.


    You've almost only used tiny objects which makes this look very tight and without air to breathe. It needs some sense of freedom and relaxation.

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    @hulkpower: the supports not being connected is one of the reasons this is 95% finished instead of 100. Thanks for the suggestion though!


    @tyandor: I might try grey for the rail colours!


    @Coastbill: I wanted this to look like modern RCT, so I just had to put something under the flume! Wooden coaster catwalks never bothered me that much though... Catwalks are obviously functional. It's mostly the bobsled track that always confuses me. It serves no purpose other than making the track look thicker, which isn't necessary in my opinion.


    @Steve: A large portion of the map will be just landscaping probably. The further the landscaping gets away from the park, the more natural it will be. Dry is good, but the foliage I made isn't dry enough. It's obviously maintained by the park. I'll get rid of the palm trees and large grasses outside the park, and there will be more cacti and japanese trees instead (though I'm looking for alternatives). It'll make more sense then, hopefully... As for the alternatives, I'd like to go for this look. Suggestions, anyone?


    @posix: It's probably the screen, it's actually a quite spacious area. If you like this screen it'll probably be fine! There's going to be LOTS of water too.





    Again, thanks for the comments guys!

  • Hepta%s's Photo

    Great work Liam! I actually really like the foliage, particularly once it settles in a bit. What stands out to me though are the colors. Bold choices, and I think most of them are good. But the support color don't seem to fit well with the landscape, being the red clay it blends a bit too much for me. The yellow building is super bright but I think the yellow works, not sure about the orange roof though.


    Really looking forward to this! Has a vibe/feel that doesn't get explored much!

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