Theme Park Discussion / NE's 2012 Construction Topic

  • tdub96%s's Photo
    Like I said in the Leviathan topic, it is really good to see B&M being so innovative again. Good stuff.

    And the drop tower, I guess magic mountain didnt have enough space to put it anywhere else haha. Regardless, its still a cool design how it is on the S:EFK support structure.

    Despite being horrible with their money, SF keeps pumping out some solid attractions.
  • musicman%s's Photo

    Posted Image

    Who will try this rct first? :p
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Watching the video it will have about 2 stalls a day int the bottom of the... loop, thing...
    Curious to know when JDP will stop by, call you an idiot and say that will never be built.

    SFMM's attraction looks superb, great to see Lex Luthor!
    SFOT better get something :/ SFFT is getting a skyscreamer though, which makes good sense. Curious as to the colours though as there S&S is the usual colours.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    ^^ already planned this in a new idea I had going for a while, I won't recreate it but extend it rather than simply copy it...
  • RamSam12%s's Photo

    SFOT better get something :/ SFFT is getting a skyscreamer though, which makes good sense. Curious as to the colours though as there S&S is the usual colours.

    SFOT just got New Texas Giant this year, which I heard turned out fantastic. No need to complain if you don't get a new ride for next year.

    Lex Luthor Drop of Doom looks like it will be the best of these new rides. As a huge fan of drop towers, I can only imagine the level of insanity this will be.

    I'm guessing SFDK will remove Pandemonium after fright fest this year to make room for SUF. It's going to look so weird with Zonga's old station and concrete pad being used yet again for this new ride, but I'm just glad the park is finally getting another high intensity thrill ride. Pandemonium was fun and all, but from day one, I've been waiting for it to be removed for something better.

    X-flight will be pretty badass I'm sure. This can finally shut up all the SFGAm fanboys' bitching about not getting another major coaster, especially after Chang was moved to SFGAv instead. X-flight never would have happened had that not been the case and they would be stuck with Chang for another 10 years before getting another big ride. Also great they are moving Iron Wolf to SFA. If it was anywhere near as bad as CGA's Vortex, I'm glad it won't be there when I visit next summer. Hopefully it will get new trains, and then would be a solid addition to SFA. Best of all, it will be much more reliable than the pile of shit Intamin they removed for it.
  • Bolliger & Mabillard%s's Photo
    ^ Even for B&M's oldest coatser.
    Congrats SF on breaking your budget!
    Lol jk.
    But I AM impressed at what the did:
    X-Flight looks awesome.
    Lex Luthor is literally the American Giant Drop, but there's no complaining. Strata Drop, anyone? :D
    Superman looks fun, but is probably going to have a pretty bad capacity.
    The other new rides like the new SkyScreamers are good for the parks that don't have one.
    But SF, if you had an extra 5 to 8 million, just buy a WindSeeker. Same as SkyScreamer but better. :)
    Anyway, these new, innovative rides look awesome!

    EDIT: Lex Luthor's view is probably going to be better than Giant Drop's because we're on a mountain here on Superman's tower. Yay.
  • RRP%s's Photo
    wow that superman ride looks like crap
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Not SF related news but it might as well go in here. The Brazilian Magazine Veja apparently just announced that Hopi Hari shall be getting a new record breaking coaster for 2012 taking the inversion record from Collossos and 10-Loop-Coaster. As Hopi Hari now have the Brazilian rights to Superman, Green Lantern etc... i wouldn't be surprised to see the ride sporting a similar theme to what we are used to seeing at the SF parks.

    Most coaster sites have started reporting it is the Intamin 12 Looper we have seen in their catalog for a while now. I've read through the snippet on the page below and can only find reference to the fact it will happen not the maker or number of inversions.
    http://portalhopihar...opi Hari Warner

    I may have missed something somewhere though and I'm sure people have their sources for it, So for completeness sake here is the image with most of the news stories
    Posted Image

    Sources: http://www.parkworld...inversie-record
  • K0NG%s's Photo

    But SF, if you had an extra 5 to 8 million, just buy a WindSeeker. Same as SkyScreamer but better. :)

    Have you seen how WindSeeker actually (ironically) handles wind? I saw the videos and had a chance to drive by Knott's the other day so I checked it out...I'm not goin' on that and I've advised my kids to avoid it (they're on my on compound fractures can get expensive).
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    I really really hate that Intamin layout. So much for the innovation everyone says Intamin is about. It's a merge of Colossus and a Mega-lite, with a norweigan loop shoved in for good measure.

    I mean seriously? 4 corkscrews? Boring.
  • Coaster Cow%s's Photo
    At least they got rid of the quadruple inline.
  • RRP%s's Photo
    Intamin rarely make a good layout. Its always just a basic idea then make the rest up
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    I'd rather have the smooth quadruple inline (that makes sense somewhat) than 4 corkscrews of pain.
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo

    I'd rather have the smooth quadruple inline (that makes sense somewhat) than 4 corkscrews of pain.

    Pain you dont no pain until you've been on Tornado at m&d's, A Pinfari double looper that had one corkcrew and you come off with black eyes & bleeding ear's looking like you just when 12 round's with mike tyson, The corkscrew was that bad they removed it.
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    The problem with this many inversions is you have to repeat elements. I mean it already has 2 double inversion elements in the Cobra Roll and Norwegian Loop then a loop, as the energy gets less the elements as a necessity get smaller and that leaves you with either a corkscrew or an inline twist.

    At least it looks miles better that Collossos with the addition several air time hills.
  • Louis!%s's Photo

    Pain you dont no pain until you've been on Tornado at m&d's, A Pinfari double looper that had one corkcrew and you come off with black eyes & bleeding ear's looking like you just when 12 round's with mike tyson, The corkscrew was that bad they removed it.

    Oh trust me, I know pain, I have experienced Tornado, more than once.
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo

    Oh trust me, I know pain, I have experienced Tornado, more than once.

    It's The worst coaster on this island, Maybe in the world !You should receive a medal when you get off after riding that rustbucket

    Where are you from Louis England ?
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo

    The problem with this many inversions is you have to repeat elements. I mean it already has 2 double inversion elements in the Cobra Roll and Norwegian Loop then a loop, as the energy gets less the elements as a necessity get smaller and that leaves you with either a corkscrew or an inline twist.

    At least it looks miles better that Collossos with the addition several air time hills.

    I suppose there's a reason most of my favourite coaster don't have inversions...
  • Phatage%s's Photo

    Intamin rarely make a good layout. Its always just a basic idea then make the rest up

    I mean it depends on what they're going for. With these multi-loopers, they're looking for something with a small footprint, decent capacity, and strong forces. They can easily clone this and even adapt it (which could even include literally attaching the layout to the end of a larger coaster, after controlling for speed with an mcbr, as seen with Balder to T-Express) to suit other park's needs, and I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually see a 13 or 14 inversion coaster that's pretty much this with more rolls. Regardless of aesthetics, the Intamin mega-lites, multi-loopers, and plug n' plays are some of the most enjoyed rides in the world and they cost millions less than a semi-custom 'freeform' B&M coaster.

    I personally enjoy the layout for these reasons although it's not necessarily my preference; as noted by many people here, they lack nuance, originality, and aesthetic value. I think this ride could be more interesting if there was a more varied order of inversions as well as not having all the corkscrews going the same way. I do like the headchoppers though.
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    Just to break up this serious talk .... Have a look at this, I respect this guy so much for actually taking part but it's like racing ferrari's again'st a golf buggy. If you don't pish yourself laughing your un-human

    go to youtube and search : slowest ever 100 at daegu .... and click on the 1st video i was pishing myself.


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